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RE: Announcement:

in #curation5 years ago

Hmmm... The question this really raises is just how many tweaks and twists exist to solve some of the issues that exist if we simply apply a dash of creative thought and a liberal sprinkling of lateral thinking.

Occasionally when thoughts turn to such matters we envisage huge development projects and perhaps even wholesale re-writes of code, possibly even a hardfork. Maybe, just maybe far simpler solutions are within our grasp if only we are willing to open our mind to them.

The really exciting prospect to somebody with my particular skillset: none, is that the answer that 'I'm not a dev and a lifelong born and bred technophobe'' is rendered obsolete. Perhaps we all have it in our remit to brainstorm solutions to the problems that we see in our space either alone or in groups... Imagine if you had looked at the solution you wanted to achieve with let's say a dozen of the keenest minds on the blockchain?

How rapidly could new BIG ideas be found?

This will be the year when we start to get a sense of the unlimited, untapped and unstoppable force that we are when we work together, If we put this to work to ensure we never end up in the situations that we have all been in before when we saw a spirit of despair, apathy and hopeless nihilism begin to destroy something we had come to love, we could be so bloody dynamic it is unfathomable.

I am certainly up for the challenge, We have nothing whatsoever to lose by trying creative solutions and perhaps a whole lot to gain. If there are any pesky unforeseens they will come to light when it come's to running the numbers and reviewing the experiment. In which case a great idea can be looked at again and tweaked. Count me in! 😎