resteem it myself.
I was really entertained by the lengths these guys go to for an adrenaline rush and how much fun they have with it during the Hallowe'en@curie I noticed this video by @basejumper and had to season. To come up with such a professional and well edited video in the process is a credit to @basejumper & his passion for the sport.
It's definitely the other end of the spectrum to my comfort zone on the tennis court.
Great selection and I agree, one of the best I've seen on the Wide Web!
Thanks! I see you have uploaded a little edit yourself, nice one!
Yes I have a good tennis video that shows off some footwork but far less adrenaline pumping than your video. Mine is more educational/instructional.
Thanks for watching though and keep the thrill seeking videos coming.
I have subbed to your channel, I look forward to more free coaching
Thank you.
More will follow.