You know, I may have replied in some thoughtful way to this, and ephasis that the fact that these are T20 curation earners, and it is important to check them out for transparency and for all of the community and add something more.
But when you come up and the first thing you do is calling someone else hard work that he has been doing for 3 to 4 days, comical, downvote it, it really kills any possibillity for any further discussion, and maybe finding some sort of important conclusion.
The downvote was for the, in my opinion, over reward placed By those mentioned in the list. It’s curation, I redistributed. If a downvote makes you not able to have a conversation, ok then. And I’m very familiar with those on the list.. my point was that was we call curation here is a bit skewed.
No I'm totally fine with the downvote :) Dont mind at all.
Your approach of starting a conversation is what I find wrong.
I didn’t say your post was comical, I said the fact that this is the method used to rank “top curators” (aka “best) is comical. As earning a shit ton of CR can be done by abusers and doesn’t mean they are helping the community or curating content, as it appears when displayed this way. I am saying the way we categorize curation is flawed.
At least this is way better than the bid bot model? new post are getting curated more than before. It's a good shift from what we have before. Certainly there's much more improvement to be done. But change of bid bot model towards curation sniping will contribute to better distribution of hive stake. Once hive stake is in equilibrium in this blockchain, hopefully we will no longer see only certain criteria of post will be curated. It s a positive change i would say. People need to see they earn more which is the main attraction why they're here.