I use the one minute cure and still it astounds me

in #cure7 years ago



Hydrogen Peroxide used for medicinal purposes is now popularly known as ‘the one minute cure’. Why it is called that I have no idea, maybe because it only takes a minute to take it who knows? It is something I read about a few years back long before it became popular through the ‘one minute cure’ heading. At first, I ignored it, just the very name of this stuff just put me off. However, something kept drawing me back to it. I never ever thought I would try something like this and to be honest I am not really sure why I did. Certainly, glad now that I gave it a go as I am hooked on this method of curing the body, and I use this on a daily basis. I have used it now continuously for 18 months and it has rid me of skin problems, migraines and periodic asthma, I have never had a cold or flu or the dreaded winter vomiting bug which were all some of the things I was prone to attracting.

This method has made me much more alert and I feel all round healthier and fitter. It is safe to ingest as it is 35% food grade and is used in the production of some dairy products such as milk and eggs etc. I can testify that it certainly has worked for me and will work for anyone. I will explain the system, but first things first, you will find many articles about this method and I highly recommend you do read them. You can then draw your own conclusions; however, it is strange how the big pharmaceutical companies debunk it and call it dangerous etc. The fact is that many leading doctors have hailed it as being a very natural way of warding of infections and strengthening the immune system, and restoring memory. It will simply destroy diseases even HIV to mention just one. It has been used for years, even during the first world war. It was also used for the relief of emphysema with fantastic results. Therefore, it is no surprise really that the big pharma companies debunk it as it would disastrously affect their revenue streams.

Many of you will have already have heard of ‘the one minute cure’ but not all will have tried it. I have to admit I was a bit sceptical to start with especially ingesting Hydrogen Peroxide (yuk) but some eminent doctors have recommended this for years and even take it themselves. For those of you who do not know about the one minute cure then I will explain the principles behind it and how it works wonders for your health and yes, it can cure most diseases. Basically, it is a simple daily process and involves the intake of Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 (35% food grade). It has been hailed by many medical professions as one of the biggest miracles of all time, yet to this day it is frowned upon and subjected to bad press and scaremongering tactics by the pharmaceutical companies. The fact is they just do not want anyone using this as they know that it will adversely affect their finances. You are right to be sceptical about this medicine, after all how is it that this one natural product as simple as it is can cure most, if not all diseases. Most of how Hydrogen Peroxide works within the body can be explained in many articles found online. I am not a doctor, therefore I should not try to explain every last detail of how it works within the body. Please research this yourself to see what it does and how it works, you will simply be amazed

The reason for the scepticism is that for all of our lives we have been fed tablets for this that and the next thing and if it is not prescribed by a health official then it cannot be good for you. Every time a new disease is named a whole range of medicines come as part of the package. Some so-called ailments are given disease status and labelled accordingly. If you go to a pharmacy to pick up a packet of painkillers you are faced with a whole range of different choices. Ones for headaches one for migraine others for period pain and another for back pain etc etc. However just lately the manufacturers of these medicines have been held to account because all of those tablets contain the same ingredients yet you are charged more over the different varieties. In essence, you are being ripped off.

OK, let’s get on to the crux of the matter. The body needs oxygen without it we are dead, a bit of an obvious statement you would think. However, the one thing all diseases do not like is oxygen and therefore hide within cells where there is a lack of oxygen. What does Hydrogen Peroxide do? Quite simply it oxygenates the body and where there is oxygen diseases find it hard to survive. Remember this is not anything new it’s been around in one form or another for centuries.

Firstly, you need to purchase your Hydrogen Peroxide at 35% food grade. You will see me refer to 35% food grade until you are tired seeing, it but it is extremely important you get the correct strength. If you can’t find 35% strength of Hydrogen Peroxide then you may be able to find it in a lower strength and you just simply adjust the amount of drops to compensate. You can see this in my table below. As for me I could only manage to find 8% food grade H2o2 online but in some countries, you may mange to purchase it at the desired strength from some drug stores etc.

IMPORTANT do not use anything over 35% - this is what is used in many foods and is completely safe to use, that is provided you follow the instructions of course. Like any other medication if you do not follow the dosage correctly then you are asking for trouble and this method is no different.


This is the way I take it but it may vary in other book or articles you read.

The program is fairly straight forward, basically, you decant some from the bottle into small dropper bottle that has an eye dropper top, then add 3 drops (if it is 35%) into either, 6 to 8fl oz. of distilled water, milk or your favourite juice. As I said, because my one is only 8% I have to multiply the drops by 4 to get as close to 35% strength as possible. Anyone doing the math will notice that the amount I am quoting = 32% but that is a close enough because if I increase by one more drop to 5 it would then equate to 40% and that is too high. So, for me I add 12 drops to my drink (4 x 3 drops) Obviously, if you manage to get 35% from your pharmacy etc. then you would just use 3 drops. You should also use vitamin E for a few weeks prior to starting this as it helps make more use of the oxygen) For me, that was the easy bit as I have been taking vitamin E it for years.

To be honest 3 drops that you start off with (or its equivalent) is not a lot for you to notice the after taste, it is only as you start to increase the drops that you tend to get the bleachy taste and not a lot of people can tolerate that, so it is always better to experiment with different fresh juices etc. however, do not use carbonated and do not use tap or chlorinated water – always use distilled water if that is your choice of liquid, - any kind of milk is OK to use. if you choose to do so, you can chew a bit of mint or gum to take the bleachy taste away but do not swallow it as you do not want anything in the stomach at the time you take the liquid. There are a few who have a different regime and take this formula 3 times per day but I find that too much for me so I only use it twice per day and I still get the desired result but if you feel you can take it 3 times per day then by all means do so.

Here is the table showing you my daily intake bearing in mind I have based the table on 35% however as I only have 8% I have to multiply by 4 to attain the correct amount of drops

A quick guide to daily use based upon 35% - my drops are in brackets as I only have 8% strength

DAY 1 = 3 drops @ 35% - 2 times per day (8% strength therefore I increase the drops to 12)
Day 2 = 4 drops - 2 times per day (8% strength I increase the drops to 16)
Day 3 = 5 drops - 2 times per day (8% strength I increase the drops to 20)
Day 4 = 6 drops - 2 times per day (8% strength I increase the drops to 24)
and so on…

Keep going with this routine until you reach 21 drops (or your equivalent) 2 times per day. After 3 weeks, you should have completed the course. Now as I said as the drops increase not a lot of people can bear the taste so if that is the case stop at the number of drops that you find you can tolerate and just increase the time period for the course. For example, if you can only take 10 drops then increase the number of weeks that you take the formula.

Once you reach your target you now start to taper off the drops.

The maximum number of drops that you were comfortable with once per day every other day for 1 week
Same again but once per day every third day for 2 weeks.
Same again but once per day every fourth day for 3 weeks
That’s it, but you can always top up once per week if you wish just to give yourself a boost.

OK that is the dosage taken care of now we come on to when to take it.This is very important so do not ignore this step.

This is how I structured taking my dosage, and although it took a bit of getting used to I managed to get into a set regime, and it became easier as time went on. it is important that when you take this with your 8fl oz. of liquid that your stomach is empty, which is normally 3 hours after eating. Although, it will still be digesting, the stomach is nearly always empty after 3 hours, so make sure you do not take it with anything in the stomach. Once you have ingested the drink you can eat if you wish after 1 hour, although liquid tends to pass through the stomach extremely fast (can be as fast as 15 minutes) I always leave it for 1 hour. My own daily regime starts when I wake up in the morning. I drink my pre-prepared drink that I have made up from the night before and then stay in bed for about 20 minutes. I then get up and shower etc. and by the time I have done all that the hour has elapsed so I could then have breakfast. The second dose I time so I have it an hour or so before my evening meal and that works out perfectly. Just make sure 3 hours have elapsed after eating before taking your next dose. DO NOT take it just before bedtime as an intake of oxygen at that time will render you far too alert and you will not get to sleep, believe me I have tried that and was up half the night….lol

You only have to remember never to take it when there is something in the stomach, so the golden rule is after a meal or even a snack you wait a minimum of 3 hours before you can choose to take the formula again, then once you have ingested it you must wait a further 1 hour before you can eat again That is why I take mine first thing in the morning as the stomach is guaranteed to be empty at that time and then it is just the case of picking the right time during the day to take the second dose. I firstly worked my routine out on paper to achieve the best times. If you choose to take it 3 times per day you will have to sit down and work this out into a reasonable routine.

Side effects

Now what are the possible side effects? Basically, anything you feel from taking this will wear off fairly quickly. Some have headaches, some have upset tummy’s but most do not have any side effects at all. In fact, anything you do feel is the body getting rid of the dead cells and this could even materialise as spots on the skin etc. but do not stop taking it, persevere as it will pass very quickly. This formula cleanses the body of the junk. I was fortunate I did not have any side effects at all and as I stated earlier I certainly feel more alert and it definitely improves your immune system. I have been taking this for 18 months now and it has not had any adverse effects on me and I do feel healthier for it. However, my tolerance level to the taste was 12 drops at 35% (48 drops at 8%) I could not go much higher than that so I simply increased the course time by a few more weeks. Some may not even reach that number of drops but do your best to stick with it

Remember this is not new it has been around for hundreds of years but its powers of healing are remarkable. It is worth a go and if you do not like it then it won’t be wasted as you can use it for a multitude of things like -

Watering plants using a weakened solution give the plants more oxygen
You can use it as a stain remover
Can also be used as a disinfectant for bathrooms, sinks etc.
Some people use a weakened strength to clean their teeth as well, not tried that yet as you have to dilute it even further but as I say it has a multiple of uses.




DITO! I started using H202 daily eleven months ago. Everything said in this article is 100% truth. It has cured my asthma, improved my skin, increased my athleticism, decreased my body fat, reduced my inflammation. It is the #1 of all the hundreds of things I have experimented with. Best independent article I have seen written on this yet. P.S. I did record many vlogs on my journey with H202 on my youtube channel for all to see. #uplift

I agree and I use it.