| @darkb4dawn | More Wild Layers; Multi- Frame, Muti-Exposure B&W images processed in the darkroom | 64.597 SBD |
 | @logic | Selection of 20 Most Interesting Documentaries of last 15 years - Part 2: Titles I To Z | 60.165 SBD |
 | @lapilipinas | World Early Inventions, Events, Things that Change Life Faster. | 48.060 SBD |
 | @paxmagnus | The blockchain conversation prism | 46.831 SBD |
 | @englishtchrivy | Ayurvedic Chicken and Vegetable Dumpling Soup To Combat Colds in Autumn and Winter | 46.544 SBD |
 | @steveo | A DAPP Idea For Turning Suburbia Into A Local Food Mecca | 45.781 SBD |
 | @iamwne | An Exercise In Contemporary Design - Digital Sunrise Studios | 43.269 SBD |
 | @katyakov | Last Glance at David Bowie's Art Collection... We'll Probably Never See Most of These Works in Public Soon! | 42.912 SBD |
 | @rubellitefae | Streeming: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: First Assault ONLINE | 42.873 SBD |
 | @themagus | Playing the tourist on our own doorstep – Western Cape’s SWARTLAND area - DAY TWO | 42.943 SBD |
 | @vegascomic | Character Development - Weapons and Fight Scenes - New Characters Sally and Serena Sail | 41.616 SBD |
 | @intelliguy | What if humans were an invasive species? Are we invasive?? How would you know? Who would ever tell you? | 40.106 SBD |
 | @borishaifa | Falafel As Israel National Feature Фалафель - Израильский Кулинарный Символ | 39.780 SBD |
 | @poeticsnake | 10 tips and tutorials to craft this weekend! | 38.337 SBD |
 | @koskl | My trip to Venice, Italy | 38.098 SBD |
 | @linzo | Is there a Cost to not upholding our Value systems? | 37.190 SBD |
 | @naquoya | POETRY: Life - Meaning, Madness, and the Mundane | 37.166 SBD |
 | @reddust | Dew and Jewels--Watercolor in Progression | 37.397 SBD |
 | @charlie.wilson | Easy Tutorial: Computer Programming for DUMMIES -- pointers | 36.769 SBD |
 | @cryptomancer | Book Review - Seveneves by Neal Stephenson | 36.453 SBD |
 | @kachinhenry | THE TWO MONKS ( Part -2 Final ) Original story by Henry Aung | 36.998 SBD |
 | @vegascomic | Original Poetry - Protector of the Innocent - Plus Watercolor Shiba Inu | 35.166 SBD |
 | @dhumphrey | Online Security - Encryption and Passwords | 35.100 SBD |
 | @destroy | Seriously Underrated Games: Mount & Blade | 35.864 SBD |
 | @sbw | Shooting Fullbore Target Rifle at Bisley | 35.482 SBD |
 | @bige37 | Open Mic Night Contest-Eric Rodriguez | 35.869 SBD |
 | @rebeccaryan | How To Make Cannabis Tea: 3 Blends, All Vegan | 35.765 SBD |
 | @ocrdu | A photo of a deer meets Photoshop | 35.984 SBD |
 | @jay4u | The adventure looking for a new road. 새로운 길을 찾기 위한 모험 | 34.131 SBD |
 | @sykochica | Announcing Steemit Gamer Night and Full Instructions to Setup your Own Gaming Stream | 34.712 SBD |
 | @alchemage | Never Let Fear Stand in Your Way [My experience of facing my fear of jumping from an airplane in the United States Army Airborne School] | 34.983 SBD |
 | @drac59 | Delicious fried eggs with the air supply of Ladybird eggs. Вкуснейшая воздушная яичница с подачей Коровки из яиц. | 34.057 SBD |
 | @corabell99 | How To Take Concert Photos Like a Boss - Part II | 34.853 SBD |
 | @boddhisattva | The blue pearl of Kyrgyzstan - Issyk-Kul lake. Part 6 / Голубая жемчужина Кыргызстана – Озеро Иссык-Куль. Часть 6 | 34.669 SBD |
 | @hardank | DIY - my origins cupcakes | 34.394 SBD |
 | @exyle | Homemade Pork Ribs from the Charcoal Grill! | 33.890 SBD |
 | @mcahmet | Pikachu Drawing 포켓몬 | 33.372 SBD |
 | @rigaronib | "We are ALL mad here" - The progression of The Mad Hatter. (My original artwork) | 33.026 SBD |
| @jacobtothe | Disasters and Economic Fallacies | 33.562 SBD |
 | @shredlord | Ned Kelly - The Australian Robin Hood PT 1/2 | 33.554 SBD |
 | @stephen-somers | Most Australian Animals Want to Kill You -But we still need to save them and their habitat | 33.111 SBD |
 | @emily-cook | Revealing Number 1 in our Count Down of 5 Female Filmmakers You Should Know About: MARY HARRON | 33.718 SBD |
 | @timbo | The Survivor: Episode 11 (Steemit Original) | 33.753 SBD |
 | @namastaynpaint | Wearable ART ~SHOES created by YOU! ~DIY tutorial | 33.496 SBD |
 | @neopatriarch | Today's Sketchbook Enteries | 32.458 SBD |
 | @olivera-despina | The Space Brethren - a science fiction short story | 32.453 SBD |
 | @orcish | Art with backgrounds | 32.233 SBD |
 | @anasz | how to make the inscription on the marble | 32.113 SBD |
 | @milaoz | A delicious and healthy Dessert: "Pears baked with Cranberries and Honey." | 32.647 SBD |
 | @slayer | Where Did 2016 Go? And How to Make the Most out of 2017 | 32.098 SBD |
 | @joshsrose | "Under The Pier." New Photography/Art Series, With My Daughter. | 32.127 SBD |
 | @lyubovbar | Lake Borovoe in Kazakhstan | 32.497 SBD |
 | @pigatto | Tedium (A poem by Florbela Espanca) | 32.420 SBD |
 | @thj | Inktober: LeChuck from Monkey Island | 32.615 SBD |
 | @beginningtoend | Part 3 / DOUBTS FIRM MY RELIGION | 32.375 SBD |
 | @dixonloveart | God is protecting the Peace at the border of Burma-China | 31.251 SBD |
 | @penpen | Tattoo story contest - Big dipper | 31.176 SBD |
 | @grisha-danunaher | Mauritius juice from a sugar cane /// Маврикийский сок из сахарного тростника. | 31.076 SBD |
 | @tristancarax | Yoga and the Struggle To Heal | 31.054 SBD |
 | @katerina | Coloring your loneliness process of painting (original art) | 31.893 SBD |
 | @everittdmickey | CARBON | 31.398 SBD |
 | @menta | Discover Salvator Dali's Bizarre Recipes and Dinner Parties | 31.707 SBD |
 | @ace108 | 📷 SteemitPhotoChallenge round 12: Prayers -祈祷 (by @ace108) | 31.715 SBD |
 | @naomi.louise | Things with an S | 31.922 SBD |
 | @matthew.raymer | Teach us to Care and not to Care / Teach us to Sit Still | 31.438 SBD |
 | @caminito | I Made Clutch Bags For An Autumn Going Out | 30.341 SBD |
 | @giantbear | Freedom to make your own choices | 30.172 SBD |
 | @bitscape | Writing Through The Block | 30.911 SBD |
 | @heretickitten | Master's Steak and Mistress's Fresh Corn with Veggies [Recipe Poem] | 30.820 SBD |
 | @forever-gala | Stuffed bell peppers | 30.821 SBD |
 | @michaelstobiersk | A Painting by Michael Stobierski | 30.635 SBD |
 | @bmwrider | Americas Treasures: The Monument Valley | 30.843 SBD |
 | @michelle.gent | Writing Contest 4 #Halloween Ghost Stories | 29.516 SBD |
 | @blinova | Heaven's Sky. The Golden Sunset Timelapse | 29.310 SBD |
 | @deanna2000 | How to MVP Like an Artist | 29.333 SBD |
 | @leylar | Steemit Photo Challenge #12 On Monday evening. | 29.143 SBD |
 | @rudxor8 | 20161006_수원삼성U18 훈련 | 29.460 SBD |
 | @konti | SteemitPhotoChallenge #12 -Entry 1- Nook of the city | 29.684 SBD |
https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmaeVEAnGkQyxC9KaZ5aSmi4EFE7bY7eiAL6jeUt21MyU9 | @runridefly | Minnow's Life - @runridefly original cartoon "Marijuana" health benefits - minnowsunite Steem On! | 28.975 SBD |
 | @scarlet-rain | Judal drawing | 28.203 SBD |
 | @joythewanderer | Easy steps and some practical tools to plan your backpacking gap year or world trip | 28.037 SBD |
 | @profitgenerator | The Oil Market [3/3] - Forecasting Crude Oil Prices! | 28.674 SBD |
 | @paradise-paradox | Psychedelic Che Guevara Mandela Effect - The Paradise Paradox Episode 130 (podcast/video) | 28.271 SBD |
 | @alexismexico | One Minnie Mouse Done. | 27.457 SBD |
 | @koskl | My excursion to Marsaxlokk, Malta | 27.397 SBD |
 | @fooblic | STEEM flows | 26.121 SBD |
 | @steemokto | A toxic espresso artwork "the Gift" | 26.817 SBD |
 | @anasz | stone craft eye ring | 26.963 SBD |
 | @roswellrockman | Roswell Rock & Gem show | 25.202 SBD |
 | @nathwright876 | I needed to do a bit of drawing practice, and a bit of practice is what I did | 25.174 SBD |
 | @alexandre | I love minimalism - My photo 9 | 24.579 SBD |
 | @mindhunter | Snuggle Up To Your Inner Airportness - The Airport Is More Than A Place - It's A State Of Mind. | 24.996 SBD |
 | @mscleverclocks | Truth Seeking: Start your journey NOW! | 24.014 SBD |
 | @yoganarchista | Travelmemories: Munnar, India | 24.986 SBD |
 | @awit | Tattoo Repair. | 23.017 SBD |
 | @katerina | Shiva self-development Original art | 22.805 SBD |
 | @veryrico | Hack your credit score: A simple method for huge boost | 22.946 SBD |
 | @exploretraveler | Cycling: Pedal Power In The Netherlands | 22.739 SBD |
 | @saramiller | How to Yoga - Lizard Pose | 22.885 SBD |
 | @steempowerwhale | Steemfest – The Future Autarkic Village Is Near You | 22.203 SBD |
 | @shortcut | Artwork of the Day #27 - Keep Smiling! | 21.906 SBD |
 | @rucoin | Whether it is possible will learn to draw for three month (Day 25) / Можно ли научится рисовать за три месяца (День 25) | 21.015 SBD |
 | @signalandnoise | [poem #2] Autumn Confessions 2 | 20.367 SBD |
 | @cryptofarmer | How to use Urtica to wash your dry hair | 20.171 SBD |
 | @jessamynorchard | All About That Vape - Support Advocacy | 19.637 SBD |
 | @xntryk1 | Swapmeet Finds #246 | 19.416 SBD |
https://img1.steemit.com/128x256/https://ipfs.pics/ipfs/QmSQ8nH9Z9qUYQV9efTG6z5ERe1jDQ8dMTn6fxVGEfteEb | @marina007 | Drawings by the Pencils (my own work) / Мои рисунки карандашами | 18.026 SBD |
 | @aksinya | «Behind Every Great Man is a Woman Rolling her Eyes» (Jim Carrey). | 17.786 SBD |
 | @jeongjinho | ZINO 입니다. 두번 째 영상이에요! | 17.640 SBD |
 | @lisanyamadzawo | I think I'm losing myself | 17.342 SBD |
Thanks for another great list!
Keep up the good work...
This is realy one of the best project on Steemit so far :-D
Thankyou Curie! :)
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Thank you @curie for the support you give us all!
curie project bravo, congratulations to all
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I am humbled. Thank you.
Excellent update! :) Great to see what articles are benefiting from curie.
Great work .. keep it up
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