The Mean Old Lady On The Porch - a poem by @ericvancewalton

in #curie8 years ago (edited)

The Mean Old Lady On The Porch

She’s so old and mean, she sits and stares

watching us with her icy glare

Is she mad at us for bouncing a ball

Or is it because we’re four feet tall?

Does she frown at us girls and boys

‘cause we make far too much noise?

Sean says she’s just plain mean and so does Matt

They said if she smiled, her face would crack! 

Tanya told the story and Chris approved

Of how the lady once had her smiler removed!

This all seemed so silly, I thought to myself

As I put the ball back on the shelf

There was a flower in the yard

I picked it, sighed and swallowed hard

And walked up to her, saying with a smile

Hi, I’ve lived next door for quite a while

I’m glad I’m your neighbor and just want to say hi

then a tear streamed down from her eye

After we talked a while I saw she wasn’t mean

Sometimes people aren’t what they seem!

A Note From The Author: This poem, “The Mean Lady On the Porch” was inspired by Willow Werkhaven, the incredible woman who lived next door to my childhood home. My only living grandparent died when I was seven so Mrs. Werkhaven became my surrogate grandmother (and friend). She had a reputation for being grumpy and because of this she was feared by many of the children of the neighborhood but her and I got along splendidly. She taught me how to play piano at age four and exposed me to a whole world of culture through many stories of her world travels. We spent many hours together talking on her porch in the summertime. I also learned through the experience of our friendship to get to know someone before you form an opinion of them, this has come in handy as an adult. I believe I’m a better person for having known Mrs. Werkhaven and I dedicate this poem to her. 

This poem is from my children's poetry collection, "12 From Memory Lane."

A Note From The Artist: It was a privilege to illustrate one of Eric's first childhood inspired poems from his collection. Thank you!

Illustration © Johanna Westerman 2016 exclusively for Eric's poem. 

All SBD made from this post will be donated to Project Curie.  

Eric and I would like to encourage other established Steemit members to join us in the, “Collaborations for Curie” movement.  

The aim is to help new and lower visibility users by collaborating with one (or more) of your peers on a post and donate the proceeds to the Curie Project. Established Steemit members, please consider joining us in this effort to help to maintain a fair and equitable platform for all!


Somehow I had some tears in my eye after reading this - felt so surreal, and reminds me parts of my grandparents. Awesome collaboration! It's collaborations like this that will go a long way for building a community that lasts. Thanks a million for the support @ericvancewalton and @fairytalelife :)

Thanks, @kevinwong. It was our pleasure. :) Really and truly.

Damn... I think we all had a "mean" old lady on the block. It must be why I have goose-bumps, right now...I don't know why I was the one that had to go get the ball, all the time :)) It's great to see how such collaboration can take things to the next level creatively. Well done guys... Beautiful illustration @fairytalelife

That was adrenaline-inducing to have to go into the grumpy neighbor's yard and get the ball wasn't it? Thanks, @macksby. @fairytalelife really nailed this illustration (creating on description alone, no photos), she looks almost exactly like Mrs. Werkhaven did.

Very nice poem @fairytalelife !

Actually, @cynetyc - Eric wrote the poem. I did the illustration.

It is a project when two or more people are working and I allways apreaciate hard work, so I give you both props for doing good work, well done! I follow now!

This is beautiful. I actually have a neighbor right now who seems a bit odd... But is so nice to my daughter. The old woman in this story could be her. thanks for reminding me that I'm lucky to have this neighbor.

Thank you! I think so many of the elderly suffer from lack of socialization. Depression and odd behaviors can set in quickly when people don't have regular social contact.

It's true. Illustrating this poem brought back many happy memories of my own childhood neighborhood characters. Thanks, @hanshotfirst.

Wonderful piece of writing.. @fairytalelife.

@king3071, I can't take credit for Eric's poem. He's the writer here. :)
Thank you for commenting.

excellent post, I remember my grandmother izo so was our walks through the square sat hours chatting like two adults, I dropped tears of joy at the memory congratulations thank you very much

Thanks, @jlufer and I'm so happy this made an emotional connection with you! So much good can come out of the young and the elderly spending time with one another. I wouldn't trade our time together for anything!

This is a wonderful poem and a lovely illustration. Thanks to both of you!

Thank you, @donkeypong. I second what Eric says!

Thanks, it was a pleasure to give back to this wonderful community that's done so much for me.

Thanks @ericvancewalton and @fairytalelife - this brought back memories of an old lady we used to buy brandy snaps from. So I had to do a post :-) It will be online in about 8-9 hours

Great, @kiwideb. I'm so happy to hear you were inspired. Thank you.

That is so sweet. I'm remembering a substitute teacher i had in 4th grade. Every time she came it was difficult and a lot of mischief. One day we found out that it was her birthday and we filled the blackboard with drawings and congratulations. She was so happy and the mood transformed. She bought ice cream for all of us and we had a great time whenever she came to substitute.

You know what, @lakshmi? We never know the power we have to make someone's life better. Often it's the simplest of things that make the biggest differences.

So true!

Can't an old lady enjoy her pall malls in peace and quiet. Darn neighbors butting their friendly noses in other people's business. At least bring over some gin next time.

Just kidding :-)

I love this collaboration, what a great meeting of two talents!! Love the drawings, love the poem and a resounding yes to the message.

Thank you, @natureofbeing! It feeds the creative part of my soul to collaborate with an illustrator of this caliber. It also feels great to give back to Steemit in some way. I feel there's a real chance for Steemit to be a major self-publishing platform for indie authors. We're all still pioneers here trying to figure it out, the great thing is we're shaping it together.

This post - explains the Curie project. Thanks!

also, how do I get involved in the Curie project?

Thank you so much, @natureofbeing. It was a treat for me too.

Wonderful! When I was a child, I had a mean old neighbour. Unfortunately, he was just... mean.

Thank you for supporting Curie. It's great to see the community support projects - hope this extends to future projects. :)

Thank you, @liberosist. We appreciate all the hard work you do for curie. It's a little something to show our support.

Yes, unfortunately some people are just mean. I got lucky with Mrs. Werkhaven. You're very welcome! Thanks for your support!

@ericvancewalton I love this line.

Sometimes people aren’t what they seem!

It's so true, I so can relate. Sometimes, we're too quick to judge or assume someone is that or this and find out it's the total opposite. Sometimes, we get to hear stuff about someone being this and that - and get proven wrong. The worst part is - the person who tattle tales about that other person being "that mean old lady" sort'a person is actually that. People sometimes project , what can I say - To experience is to believe.

Thank you so much, @englishtchrivy. It was a rewarding assignment! :)

Thank you @englishtchrivy! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I so agree with what you say, gossip can be devastating. I've learned to keep a distance from people who habitually gossip. I try to form my own opinions as a general rule. We appreciate your comment!

I enjoyed this. It resonated with something from my own past. Thanks @ericvancewalton and @fairytalelife

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Awe! What a nice poem! It really touched my heart! Thank you for sharing! 💞💙💞👍😊im now following you!

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A beautiful poem and story.

Nice. Following

nice one.good you remember someone who touched your life while growing. its not easy doing that especially if you moved from the neighbourhood.

A great example of what collaboration can lead to. Great work! Thank you for your effort

Wow! That was so touching. I'm glad you guys collaborated to bring us something so beautiful.

Thank you both!

Thank you, @the-alien. Much appreciated!

Beautiful collaboration! Well done @fairytalelife and @ericvancewalton! What an important and valuable example for children (and everyone, really) to practice compassion rather than fear and judgment. This is so sweet.

Thanks, @saramiller. I fully agree!

This made me smile. Love where the inspiration came from, and how it was so simple, yet still carried a higher message. Thanks for sharing :)

Hi @fairytalelife, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads today and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.