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RE: [The Electric iMiEV]: Relegating an Entirely Fit-For-Purpose EV to the "Doesn't Do Very Well" Pile.

in #curie6 years ago

Electric car has some advantages but the choice to use them should be common decision of society. Large adoption of imiev car is a challenge that proper communication and practical proof of utility shall solve in near future.
Thank you for sharing.


An electric future is inevitable.

The challenging aspect is overcoming deceptive marketing ploys like those used by Toyota for example, with their "self charging" hybrids that serves only to confuse the public so they continue using their outdated fossil fuel technology.

As for practical proof of utility, I think my own case made for a good example. We live near a free fast charger and so do all my neighbours. Just in my city alone, there could be thousands of electric cars doing what most do - driving less than 50km to and from work.

The demand is already here (across the world). Electric car manufacturers like Nissan, Hyundai and of course, Tesla are playing catch up and trying to build as fast as people are wanting to buy them.

Take care and thanks for stopping by!
