Thanks to the curators for doing great in your jobs! I just realized how hard your work is, sifting through tons of articles to find the right one, then checking up on the writer/blogger to make sure their stuff aren't plagiarized or taken from the internet, it's really something you need to do with dedication and perseverance. You guys are really supporting the minnows with your work!
I'm posting a link to a someone's blog, I believe she's a photographer, she has some great pictures and she just started to vlog. Her blog's not popular as of now, but her posts and pics are interesting, for those interested in traveling.
Thank you. Is this your entry to become a curator? Sorry wasn't clear from your comment. If yes then try again.
Ok! I'll give it another try. Here's are two.
First one bad formatting, the second one is interesting. Try again, aim for exceptional ones, investigate the author history and post for originality.
Thanks, I'm learning quite a bit as I search :)
I have new ones:
One on a candle-making prodcut =
And another on virtual reality =
And the last one on music, the author's first post =
Could you ping me on discord when you get a chance.
Okay :)