Hello everyone!
I found these 10 very interesting things about water and I want to share it with you.
- Drinking a glass of water before shower helps to maintain a healthy heart rate.
- If you drink too much water in a short time, you can get intoxicated with water.
- A healthy person can drink even 12 liters of water per day.
- At birth, 80% of the newborn's weight is water.
- The weight lost by a person after intense physical activity comes from water and not from fat.
- Hot water freezes faster than cold water.
- Most of the planet's drinking water can be found in the glaciers.
- The purest water in the world is in Finland.
- The water is 75% in a banana and 95% in a tomato.
- Approximately 70-75% of the earth's surface is covered with water. Much more water is stored underground in groundwater.
Thank you for reading!
Those are interesting, will try the water before a shower. Wonder how that works. You will like this article... https://www.space.com/27256-earth-water-older-than-sun.html
Thank you! It's a very interesting article. I like it