Ok, I already know what's going through the majority of people's mind and it sounds like...
We are in 2016 afterall, we've been to the moon and back 50 years ago...Why would that even be a topic? Well, I'm sorry to pop your bubble my friend but 2016 is the year of flat earth if you didn't know already. Check out google trend for example:
If you type "flat earth" in youtube search engine, you are going to get 6,690,000 results...that's a lot a videos! So what's the deal? Are those people just retarded or are they like NEO in the matrix trying to wake people up to the greatest conspiracy of all time?
I don't know.
Regardless, I took an interest in the topic out of sheer boredom and curiosity. I do not consider myself a flat earther but I think this is an amazing exercise in exploring "how we know what we know".
Here is the exercise: If you take all the information of NASA and the government out of the equation, how would you KNOW the earth is a sphere by using the scientific method? You may be surprise to hear some of the very sensible arguments they have on the objections "ball earther" have.
Some of the most compelling arguments in my opinion are in regard to perspective and the gyroscope experiments. Also, as you will be able to hear below, this US Navy Missile Instructor do believe the world is flat based on the science and technology he uses on water. If you do not believe this guy is who he say he is, check out his proof video under the interview video..
Anyhow, have fun with it! It's a fun topic to play with.
Are we inside a Truman show enclosed world, thousands of miles wide? This is part of a series of videos that shows not only is it possible, but likely.
This is his proof of duty.
To listen to more "subject matter expert" on the flat earth topic check out this playlist:
By using a shop bought telescope to observe the heavenly bodies, like the way the moons of Jupiter and Saturn orbit them and not us.
By observing the shadow of the moon on the sun during an eclipse, from multiple points on earth. Then using good old fashioned geometry working out that the shadows I observe are not consistent with viewing them from a flat disc.
By travelling to an "edge country" and observing buildings in the street, which would have to be built at steeper and steeper angles the closer they got to the "edge" of the planet.
By going to a country that is purported to be on the edge of the world and walking towards said edge. If I didn't feel gravity tugging me back towards the centre of the Earth, I would know that that was consistent with living on a globe.
By watching the video of that dude that parachuted from space, and observing his view of a curved globe.
By going to the HDEV ISS live (technically not NASA) and looking at the live video link (https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/HDEV/)
I could go on; but I won't :-)
Sorry one more! In order for gravity to work the way it does on Earth, he sun would have to be 32,000 miles away and a lot smaller than it actually is. This would be fairly easy for an amateur astronomer to verify.
OK, that really is it now :-D
I was asking myself just this morning : when will flatearthers find out about steemit and bring this cat out of the bag? Interesting stuff.
Wow no one has commented yet!
I for one have heard about this so many times not just this year but many years as I have been on the "leading edge" of thinking, re thinking, contemplating, innovating, challenging etc.
I for one still do not see the world as flat though as you said there is some very compelling evidence and thoughts on it. I like that you put it out there without trying to push a point. Pondering possibility is very important ESPECIALLY when it is about core beliefs that shape our entire life.....I mean just imagine...The world is NOT round, but FLAT??? HOLY SHIT that would be quite a spin.
So I am interested to see what this cutting edge community on Steemit thinks about this and hopefully there will be some valuable input to your post.
I know how easy it is for global elite to cover shit up and how powerful propaganda is but it really does seem to me that if the world was flat there would be PROOF not just logical arguments and testaments.
Anyways cool post and thanks. I follow you so see most of your posts. Will be in touch on this one and others to come!
Best Regards~*~
I like your attitude. I'll be following you too.
Awesome! =)>
Basically, the earth is a flat disc protected by an invisible barrier called “the firmament,” a dome-like feature that also happens to be referenced in the Old Testament. Copernicus, of course, messed everything up by introducing his theory of heliocentrism. Flat Earthers acknowledge that while Copernicus’s math was right, he lacked the technology necessary to definitively prove his theory. Still, the idea took hold, governments started preaching it, and a centuries-long lie was born. Then as soon as Russia and U.S. managed to get rockets in the sky, they realized their error and quickly set about protecting the shameful secret at all costs. The Antarctic Treaty went into place in 1961, making it in “off-limits” to any wandering eyes.
It’s worth noting here that there’s also something called the “ice wall,” which is the towering expanse of maybe absolute zero, pitch black ice barriers at the edge of Antartica that may or may not go on forever and that no human could ever possibly explore.So, to keep their incredible secret, NASA began faking all sorts of photo and video “evidence”: space launches, moon landings, Shuttle journeys—you name it. Its physicists and astronauts were sworn to secrecy,
The villains in this tale are, of course, NASA and the U.S. government as a whole. NASA has been going to incredible lengths to fool the world about not only the moon landing (an obvious forgery) but about everything we thought we knew about our very planet itself. GPS readings? Faked. Photos and videos from space? Faked. Lunar eclipses? An invisible “anti-moon” that occasionally obscures our also-flat moon.
But why would NASA do so much work to keep the truth hidden from the masses? Money, of course. It’s a hell of a lot cheaper to keep a global charade going than it is to actually do all of the impossible projects that NASA claims to be working on. That money, in turn, gets funneled back to the government.
NASA made its first huge mistake when it hired contract artist Matthew Boylan and decided to let him on the shocking truth.
Boylan asserts that a large part of the reason the lie has gone on for so long is sheer hubris. In an interview titled “NASA Insider Exposes the Flat Earth!”, Boylan explains that “if I tell you [the shape of the Earth] is a certain thing, without having an instrument to prove it for over 1,000 years... if you’re wrong, are you going to tell everybody?”
What’s more, the extra land that comes along with a flat earth means more natural resources. And if word got out about the secret store of oil hiding at the edge of the Earth, any remaining notion of scarcity would be shattered.
Gravity is something that might also have thrown a wrench in the Flat Earther’s personal Truth—if it weren’t for something called universal acceleration, that is. You see, the world is constantly accelerating upwards, forcing everything else “down.
one of the answers, of course, ever actually answer your question entirely, and more often than not they just open up a whole host of other questions. But such is the cost of finally waking from your conformist slumber.
Welcome to the world of Truth
I almost broke the left button of my mouse I followed you so hard.
I find the whole flat-earth phenomena fascinating.
I don't personally believe it, and I've had multiple extremely intense out of body projection experiences that have shown me the globe from orbit. Believe what you want though, I cannot 100% prove/disprove anything - I'm just sharing personal experience.
The recent resurgence in the flat-earth movement over the last few years kinda feels like a psyop . It never fails to get some good discussions going at least ;)
The problem? People are infatuated with pseudo-skeptical anti-establishment polarization. If it goes against the current condition of falsity, and there is evidence of NASA coverups, then they draw connection to conclude its validity in congruence with their anti-establishment mindset to support the opposite narrative of what they were previously told was truth. They were lied to, and learned about some things in the "conspiracy" alt-info, then they start to accept other things based on the perpetuation of the fat that they were lied to previously, so its "logical" to assume they are still being lied to about a round earth.
Much of my work goes into how to think more correctly with the Trivium Methodology, using logic, to process reality with valid grammar input, etc. I recently made a simplified post on Belief today, as beliefs are the #2 issue resulting from the #1 issue fo consciousness not knowing how to think properly and how to learn properly. Then you start accepting information based on loose "evidence" and corroborating referential multiple "sources" that seem to validate the conclusions you are being influenced and conditioned to accept as "truth".
Anyways. There are way more important things going on, like understanding moral truth in greater depth than is currently understood so that we can change things on this planet for the better. Take care. Peace.
I would like to know what you think after you watch the video. Well, if it was true...what could be more important? I mean...this is big. Especially when it comes to the quadrivium...what would it mean for cosmology and our place in the universe if it was indeed flat?
The most fundamental question we have is: "Where Am I". This topic is hitting this question on the nail...whether or not it is true, it's a good exercise to question reality and you can use the trivium in the process.
The most important or fundamental question is "Who am I", i.e. Know-Thyself, self-knowledge, consciousness, psychology, etc. It all starts with the individual. Thanks. Peace.
Where you are has a huge impact about who you think you are. Gekcentrism vs heliocentrism is the perfect example of that...if we were geocentric then its hard to escape the idea that we are a special creation. If its an heliocentric workd, its easy to believe we are just an accient and "nothing special".
It means there is no universe. There are no planets, no Big Bang. Now it gets interesting doesn't it ?
I posted a few weeks ago a question to see if we had flat earth believers here and it seems we do! Guys, the conspiracy here is not that we've been told the earth was round for hundreds of years, it's that now for some reason some people want you to believe differently, believe in the not truth.
I believe the first guy who said the earth was round and that it was rotating around the sun and not the other way around was burned to death. I think whoever started this flat earth theory deserves the same or at least some kind of punishment...
The earth certainly isn't flat, but you do know the moon landing was fake?
I love the arguments from both sides, but until i can get on one of Elon Musks's rocket ships i guess i won't know.
This quote sums up why there are 6,690,000 results on youtube. Please don't believe everything you see/read on the internet.
You calling me stupid brah?
I've been a Flat Earther for about 6 months now. There is truly a paradigm shift happening in the minds of men. I like to consider myself as a "conspiracy expert" and the globe earth is only the tip of the iceberg of all the lies that we've been told. I don't want to divert this conversation too much from the flat earth concept but I'll finish off with this -- we're not alone.
Flat ground on turtles anyway
With this post, we will soon find out if the moon is flat as well.
who knows...I'm actually considering that it might be a spot light. It's just so bright! ;-)
The moon has no density. You can even see through it.
omfg, you're amazing sir.
I've kind of wondered about reality and the observer regarding this and other topics. like maybe before Galileo was able to convince everyone the earth revolved around the sun did the sun really revolve around the earth like most people believed. When the belief changed reality adjusted to accommodate the belief? It's probably not how things work, but it's interesting to think about.
I do not personally believe that thoughts shapes reality. To me, reality is real. The ramification a subjective concept of the natural world leads down the path to absolute relativity. There can be no truth in that worldview...all depends on how you look at it. So rape is okay if you think it is right. People can float if you believe they do, etc.
I find your response highly inappropriate. You write an article suggesting people keep an open mind, then propose Kantian morality. Bringing rape into the discussion was unwarranted. I never suggested rape was ok it is disgusting to me you would suggest that I did. Why would you say that? What kind of person accuses someone of that? who do you think you are?
I wasn't accusing you @william-noe...just of the ramification of thinking that what one believes shape the reality around them. Just re-read what I wrote and you will clearly see that I wasn't accusing you but that I had issues with that idea.
The accusation was by proxy and not relevant. In my comment I admitted that I didn't believe reality to be subjective. However we were discussing the physical world and morality is metaphysical.
Very Nice Share, found these very interesting if you have time check them out. Cheers!
There are a lot of things that I cannot personally testify to, but accept due to the total lack of negative consequences that being wrong would bring. Also I'll go ahead and say that I didn't watch all ~1.8 hours of the video.
I'm willing to accept as fact that the Earth has a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, despite there being no way for anyone to go check. The reason is that if somebody has carefully fostered that lie in my mind - permeating through elementary school to higher education - it doesn't really matter to me. It's definitely way more important to them that I believe the Earth is round than it is for me to know the truth.
That may seem like an irresponsible mindset (because it is). But I can live with that, if someone else can live with the fact that they're 100% sure they are being lied to by every academic authority they can find.
Interesting but my earth is round. I have yet to see some concrete evidence that its not.
Next time you are looking at a sunrise, at the first glimpse of light, bend down. Magic !!! roundness (parallax) dates back to Aristotle
Same thing with a Sunset. Look at it laying down and as soon as the Sun goes out of view, quickly stand up. Magic again... Let there be light!!!
It's the other way around. Prove the earth is a sphere.
You may enjoy that video...it offers a different "perspective"
i wonder when we start arresting flat earth deniers.
Some people argue over this, while milions are dying in pointless wars,
Once people find out how much we've been lied to they'll start running to the truth. The truth being -- war is orchestrated by our enslavers. Good times ahead if people just continue to wake up.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ..." -- Hosea 4:6
You can prove the earth is round if you have a friend living several thousand miles away, a cell phone and a yard stick. Plant your sticks in the ground, at the same time, measure the shadows and text each other the results. You can then use math to determine the curvature of the earth. We don't need NASA to say it's so.
If you putthe sun at about 3000 miles away, the math still work if it was a lane. Eratostene didnt prove it was round. He came up with what the circumference would be IF it was round and IF the sun was 91 millions miles away.
When I look around me the earth is flat, that is what I see, so it is true. Simple.
Not a 100% convinced flatearther here (I find expanding earth too beautiful to give up yet), but a NASA and "conventional wisdom" skeptic in any case.
Glad to see a batshit crazy tinfoil hat crackpot nutjob post being treated so well on Steemit :)
So let me start by saying that I appreciate how this post has been put together. It looks good and does explain the perspective of a large number of people.
That said, being willing to entertain an idea that you know to be flawed is not the ultimate test for "open mindedness" but a test of endurance.
By this logic if you are unwilling to consider that A = B then you are not openminded.
If you are willing to endure a discussion with someone who's best evidence for their theory is that a lot of people have searched for the term, then you deserve the heartache that comes with arguing with those who won't think for themselves.
I was open to the idea of a flat earth when I first came across the idea, I thought about my own experience of chemistry and my own observations about the moon, the planet and the stars, along with my own experience flying around the world. As I thought about it I did a bit research on google to assure myself that I wasn't crazy and that the earth being round didn't contradict any solid research.
After that, not entertaining the idea of a flat earth doesn't make me close minded, it makes me sane.
Thanks again for your post though, still interesting to see this idea being kicked around
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