Thanks kencode. We (not Foolmich et al) who will only disappoint the millions of fools, too lazy to even think, let alone do anything, can easily bring the whole diabolical scam and the evil cabal pushing it to its knees, by simply refusing to do what the treasonous masters in governments tell us to do.
To me it's patently ridiculous that it's still gong on, let alone reached the alarming level of unchallenged tyranny it has. If they do it my way (refuse to comply), no-one would even need to attend those huge protest marches which the government controlled propagandist media only use as weapons to ridicule and scapegoat us with. (Report how 'deranged conspiracy theorists and covid-deniers were protesting against health and safety measures designed to save lives'); or just totally ignore them and not report at all, as though nothing happened. So the protests are also a complete waste of time and soon they'll be illegal anyway.
Just DON'T COMPLY with any of it. Easy! You can do that anywhere, anytime.
If enough people just refuse to obey, they'd back down. In fact that has already been proven. Last summer in the UK, when about a million normal (unmasked) people went to the beach on a really hot day and the stupid muzzled cops tried to arrest them all. There were far too many, so the 'face nappies' (as they're called these days) just threw their arms up in capitulation and walked away.