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RE: If The People Ever Realize The Depth of the Covid Fraud No Politician Will Ever Be Safe

We can have mass non-compliance, yes, but all they have to do is start arresting or even shoot a few people and the herd will fall in line. Most people are weak willed and is not willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Yes even in America with the guns, waiting on Trump, and thinking Mike Lindell is going to expose election fraud to the public even though he hasn't the last 3 times he said so. Right now in the U.S, politicians are making this political and blaming the other party. They even got conservatives blaming Biden increases of COVID cases at the boarder for allowing in unvaccinated illegals. They (conservatives) now believe in vaccinations now.

What most likely will happen as more people wake up is they slowly roll back their plans to make it look believable to the average person, back to business, and try again 30 to 50 years from now. 50 years from now, most Millennials and some GenZ people who have a clear memory of the life before would be dead by accidents and natural causes.

As far as that video of that girl lighting her crouch on fire with baby powder. That is simply an example of our unfit/underclass/low IQ that tend to exist in the low income inner cities. That is not vaccine related because...yes...they are that stupid. Unfortunately the unfit/underclass and the compliant zombies outnumber the more rational people of the black American race. Unlike other races, we failed at keeping our underclass at bay in the mid 1800s to mid 1950s as explained by Thomas Sowell in intellectuals and race.