How endorsing maladative behaviors generates social diseases, exceptional artists, presidents, movie villains, dictators or nobel prizes, what to do? Is this triggering something to you?
Yes, there are certain people who are standing out of the crowd because they don't act like anyone else, I am sure even among your friends, there is a different person who's acting and behave in an excentric way, if so you can can show them this article right now. ;)
Usually big group of people do not like such person and often laugh at them but experience has proven that weird people are also often right, and other simply just rejected them while sometimes people are using weird people for their own benefits.
In today's article, we will see how being different than other can be sometimes very useful but can also bring its lot of troubles when responsabilities are not networked.
As well as there are some schools specialized for early HP syndroms, our modern urban environment is not designed to manage the amount of high potential generated by the triggers of an hyper connected society of today and tomorrow, while children of today can be helped early, what about all the others, what about the millenials, what about the generations before.
While we start thinking about how to prepare ourselves to delegate and how to cooperate with augmenting each other potentials, we need to rationalize and bring this to a present reality.
Upgrading... from Networked Social Responsabilities to Networking Social Reliability: Endorsing maladatpative behaviors generates social diseases and can raise criminality.
Endorsed by themselves, people can appear arrogants and pretentious even if they are probably not.
Endorsed by others, people can also be easly manipulated or able to manipulate and become easly criminals.
Something which is particular to some people is for example the prefrontal cortex, space for language, the analytic memory or where natural intelligence (ability of classification), it is also the space for work memory, arborescence thinking is usually more developed in some than other people.
Often we are thinking intelligence is related to the number of neurons but this is a wrong assumption. Intelligence is related to the ramifications of the neuronal system. This enable the speed of connection between neurons.
The speed of interconnection is depending on what we call the IQ. IQ indicators enable to evaluate, for each IQ point the speed of information going at 0,05m per sec faster.
Blablbala, Jean... you'll just need around 0,69 secondes using google! (It's true... even less ;-) )
Another particular thing to some people is the right part of the cortex, responsible for the emotion triggering and stopping the left part and able of generating an unbalance and hyper sensitivity or even emotional contagion.
I met a lot of people with various forms of intelligences. One issue is even if you can understand each of them, you can't especially address or threat their syndrom without the proper experience and without the cooperation of all their surrounding acting as a conscious village and eventually professional involved.
While some are growing with such conditions, some others are experimenting fast cerebral triggers and cognitive overload through new media usage.
Whatever the reason, we can't endorse a maladaptive behavior, neither exclude or banish it. We have the duty to provide the right management frame for it or we are in a way accepting than hyper active behaviors can turn in criminal behavior repeatively and eventually in increase.
A lot of the new generation are subject to hyper activity maybe because there are no proper frame to manage their creativity and type of intelligence or speed of reasonning.
We do not consider how much augmenting people can generate high potentials of unmanaged anything.
Probably playing videogames, helps a lot of people to deal with their managerial anxieties. However, while it is the case for artificial intelligence which we can't follow anymore after a certain degree of evolution. We need to start to consider the effects of augmented human intelligence and unregulated feedback loops into our #hyperactivesociety and #connected in order to not generate violent behaviors.
What can be decisive is when people are not only endorsing a behavior but also influencing or manipulating it to extort other people as some have the power to do while claiming to act for the greater good*.
As replied in a comment to @gexi, a greater good, makes me think about the Trolley dilemma.
If hyper active people, savants or anyone can adopt maladaptive behaviors, we need to remember, intelligences need to be managed in any case and not to get an expression of pitty which can result in endorsing without acting in a liable way.
Endorsing someone with a maladatptive behavior, or as some would say someone with temperament or character...
we will be eventually responsible of the creation of social diseases and could become criminals by association.
Here for the drama part
As you know I am putting all my heart and effort making the @globalschool a reality of everyday to expand human potential.
I do this for sharing smiles with the people I am meeting on my way and others, most of them creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, nomads, explorers, savants, some unstables, some hyper creatives, some unconfidents or not understood, all engaged in the object of their interest. Most human who need to shine their way.
I co-initiated the @globalschool with and for my friends the ones I met and the others, communities and future generations to have a new kind of learning and work environment based on network augmenting adaptive, intuitive systems and humans with other humans trying to respond to their need of entrepreneurs, creatives, hyper creatives, savants, explorers and or modern nomadic people even if they can't see themselves that way.
While prototyping and making the demonstration how it works I get some very good moments, but also very bad surpises.
In a number of creatives, some hyper creatives can turn easly in criminals. And this is why I am writing this article. To make all of us more aware about our role of enabler, change maker or potential criminal influencer while we could be endorsing systematically maladaptive behaviors.
What is happenning?
Last month after my birthday, a person supposly with hyper activity syndrom supported by others threathenned all my surrounding and started a chantage which obviously is not finished. Some days later, I found my new room in a totally chaotic state, my keys, new computers, the equipement from other colleagues stolen from where I thought to install myself and project(s).
The only way to get the things stolen back was considering the advises of my team to give my new computer in exchange of some of the stolen things. So... I could get back the equipement of @preinisch and from other volunteers I am cooperating with.
That is how I lost mine and a lot of more that I am still not sure to get back or for which I will never get compensated for the damages as I can't afford to make a proper law suit even if now we have nearly all the proofs.
Fortunately ...I am not materialist? So I don't really care for my losts??
Just for + 5000 euros of equipement, most of my birthday gifts, my keys and much more...
Did you already tried to share with your surrounding or online such thing?
I care because it is already weeks I can't do anything anymore, but I get this letter from Emma (published on @globalschool) and this reply on @gexi reminding me about values such as ethics .
The first weeks I was panicked, now I get back slowly. From the beginning I couldn't understand if the person was acting in an isolated way or if all of this was organized and how much. The person who stole my things presented himself to me and to everyone with a fake identity, but I know some of the community members are in relation with that person whatever his identity is really. We went to the police and made the necesarry to act in a responsible way.
So be careful, I have been really naive and did not understood what happenned to me.
To get the things of my friends back, I needed to accept to give away my new laptop in exchange of a part of the equipement stolen.
This article is also intended to explain why @mammasitta still couldn't publish the videos for @onosocial. Last month, I started to produce a serie of 10 videos for a team of 7 to apply as #ONO super partners. All the material has been stolen with my things and as the people made chantage and the time was passing by. However, I remade a serie you'll discover soon. I had to remake all the work with my old computer other equipement and a lot of patience which took me the last week.
I decided to post to exorcise, because I feel responsible about #crypto-education and raising #awareness about the danger of #crypto #lobbies, make appear that the shapes of cyber criminality doesnt appear only online today and also know what you would do. But also to say some of my friends are super heroes, they have been there all along and even when I screamed on them because it was too much.
Now I should ask for support as I need to restart all new, find a new home, buy new equipement and do the work I was supposed to be finishing last month for my ngos, collectives and members while making what is necessary to be sure these people will not continue to threathen my surrounding neither me.
You get threathenned by #cryptomaniacs or organized groups?
First what is important is to involve a maximum of person on who is threathening you. If that becomes serious, people can act as a group in a responsible way.
What to do now?
If you are afraid and can't go to the police, just contact any support group, preferably social help to get psycological assistance.
Today #cyber-criminality is not happenning only online, beware of social engineering technics used by professional #crypto #scammers.
One tool against anti trust and criminality is liability and this can be done by improving group dynamics reflexivity. But for this we all need to take time....
Distinguishing reactive vs reflective autonomy
In contrast to the fractured reflexives (deliberation leads to the intensification of affect) and the meta-reflexives (deliberation tends to problematize self and society) autonomous reflexivity is constituted through purposeful, self-contained and instrumental deliberation. It is promoted by situations where instrumental rationality tends to advance the concerns of subjects.
Adult education and fractured reflexivity
a practical introduction to talent management
“Reflexivity is the regular exercise of the mental ability, shared by all normal people, to consider themselves in relation to their (social) contexts and vice versa (as cited in MacPhail’s lecture notes, 2014)
Displaced reflexives – one of the other three modes of reflexivity but the interruption of negative contingency led to its suspension.
Impeded reflexives – are those who have yet to develop the practice of a particular mode of reflexivity to the extent required to complete deliberations in an action orientated way.
Expressive reflexives – are those who tend to rely on ‘gut feelings’ to negotiate the choices which life presents them with. (Carrigan, 2013, para. 4-6).
-> think about adult education as a potential site of fractured reflexivity activation as well as a site of support and guidance for fractured reflexives toward a more productive reflexive state.
In the abstract, the author identified adult education as a potential site for the activation of fractured reflexivity because it is rooted in social justice and calls for learners to be critically reflexive in the quest for social change. If learners enter adult education programs with a low level of reflexivity and are then required to problematize the social structures that have shaped them as well as their own role in perpetuating oppressive social structures, the learner could experience the distress and disorientation of fractured reflexivity. For example, a learner who begins to examine how her actions, the actions of her loved ones, and the actions of the businesses she supports negatively impact the environment may feel too overwhelmed to take purposeful steps to improve even though she wants to. This learner would fall into the impeded reflexive category mentioned above. Similarly, Carrigan (2013) uses an example in his blog under the displaced reflexive category in which a communicative reflexive student struggles with transitioning to the university environment because of lack of access to the friends and family members who formerly helped the student talk through internal conversations (para. 4). This student will be in a state of fractured reflexivity until new connections with people at the university can be established.
Adult education can also be identified as a site in which fractured reflexives can obtain support and guidance toward a more productive reflexive state. Since adult education programs seek to improve social conditions, fostering critical reflexivity in learners is of utmost importance toward achieving this goal. In the case of the student who is able to examine her role in negatively impacting the environment, adult education practitioners and her peers can be a source of support for helping this student work toward purposeful action, such as community education, participating in campus cleanups, and taking steps to change her actions. In the case of Carrigan’s example, the student whose reflexivity is compromised in the transition to university has the potential to meet new friends with whom to have the dialogue required to return to a communicative reflexive state.
As the author, I am interested in the potential of adult education to foster reflexivity in learners because it can help lead to social change. I am also interested in this topic because, as Margaret Archer discusses in a lecture given at the Critical Realism Dictionary Launch, globalization has brought about contextual discontinuity. No longer can we rely on routine action to get along in the world. Archer notes that in this new context of changing posts and job descriptions the global transference of skills reduces to activities such as brushing ones teeth and looking both ways before crossing the road. Archer argues that if variety stimulates more variety, people need to become reflexive in everyday life to deal with contextual discontinuity (Johnson, 2011). I think about the many people who once depended on routine action for their livliehoods who are now without work and need to redirect themselves in a time of contextual discontinuity. Adult education has the potential to lead these people to a productive mode of reflexivity so they may find their way in a world where routine action is no longer sufficient.
While adult education programs may cause learners to experience fractured reflexivity, they can also
help learners reach a more productive mode of reflexivity. It is important for adult education programs to offer support systems for students, especially those who may feel distressed throughout the reflexive process. Examples of such support systems could include discussion groups, societies/clubs, mentoring programs, etc. Additionally, it is important for adult educators to be reflexive practitioners themselves and to create a learning climate in which reflexivity can take place.
Cognitive Factors that Maintain Social Anxiety Disorder: a Comprehensive Model and its Treatment Implications
The Reflexive Imperative and Autonomous Reflexivity
My Thoughts on Adult Education and Fractured Reflexivity - March 16, 2014 by erintomlinson
Johnson, M. (2011, May 12). Margaret Archer on Reflexivity [Video file]. Retrieved from
MacPhail, S. (2014). Critical Realism: Structure, Culture, and Agency: Causal Power and Agency. Lecture Notes for GSLL 6202 class, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS. Carrigan, M. (2013, July 31). The Reflexive Imperative and Fractured Reflexivity [Web blog post]. Retrieved from
For some of us it is our job our expertise and we are used to keep diversified sources and challenge what we are discovering.
If you are going on Twitter, Facebook, Steemit and you see a picture, an article or a video, and if you are not sure it is in the right context or with the appropriate comment what can you do?
Support against anti trust
Anti trust has various shapes. Abuse through social engineering is happening more and more than ever, it can be presented as people endorsing others threathening others, but also in many other forms.
The principle of the @globalschool is totally collaborative, that is why we are inviting regularly our supporters and community members to contact us for example via the com-lab ( when they find a questionable article, picture, video or anything. We can't check everything for sure, but we can eventually support in finding if there is already an indicator of validity or not shared online and we are replying to all the questions addressed to us.
If you also want to cooperate with , @mammasitta, @lizanomadsoul, @preinisch, @teekingtv, @for91days, @zuckerzombi, @bertille-aa, @vinyll, @neomad, @gexi, @smartcoins, @hayk-hayko, @manncpt and me in the community lab.
Just click on the link and join the discord server. It is an invitation for collaboration:
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JeanFor the @globalschool
Threats are an extreme ways of bullying.
Oh gosh... Hope everything will be better soon...
Thank you to be there and for your kind message Paulina! As long as we have a positive surounding everything can happen, we will always have the people to support us in the best and worst situations.
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