Predatory systems of the XXI century

in #cyberpunk8 years ago (edited)

I've decided it's time to share some ideas and predictions that have been stashed in my mind for way too long. I hope that my posts will become an impetus for a deeper understanding. I'll elaborate if there's interest.

Internet is germinating hostile hopefullly weak artificial intelligences, evolving systems that react to stimulis with a limited free will and are driven to act. Philosophers are not even sure about humans possesing free will so limited free will could very well be a tautology.

These systems are currently known as social media bots and ecosystems they form.

My prediction

Within ~5 years autonomous agents managed by relatively primitive AIs will be able, predictably and at scale, impose significant psychological harm to users of social networks, including suicide. Ultimately, they will be driven by economic incentives.

Let's talk psychological harm. I'll got a bit on a tangent here.

Recently I've encountered something in the depths of reddit. Just have look at this skull of a child with two sets of teeth (adult and child). Creepy.

But it's not that creepy really. It's not that hard to find photos or videos that will require significant amounts of eye bleach, will make screw up someone's day and implant disturbing visual memories that will be hard to get rid of.

Now imagine a system that can search, categorize and adapt disturbing content to maximize psychological harm. Oh, and it controls hundreds of accounts. And is funded. Not that far-fetched, isn't it?

Malicious systems will be well financed. Government and corporate propaganda is already making full use of covert psyops with manual and semi-automatic bots throughout all social media. The bots are dumb now but that's not for long.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are rapidly developing and soon creation of social predatory system will not require access to resources or expertise of a megacorp.

Without deployment of countermeasures, sort of consciousness firewalls, people's minds logging onto the web will be predictably breached and infected with cognitive viruses-memes. Just like an unpatched install of Windows 98.

Cyberpunk times are truly upon us.


Interesting take but it sounds more like Virus Vs Anti-Virus, Malware Vs Anti-Malware all over again. If there will be such bots, there will also be bots that will detect and counter those bots.

maybe switching off laptop for a week and reading a book is a solution

Really Amazing Stuff and Beautifully Presented...
A Big Thumbs up From my side for effort you put in this post...
Thank you for sharing and have a blessed day :)

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It's up to us, we can change the situation, we don't need to be hypnotized by the social networks.

Fortunately there is free will, and believe me, it would be not so easy to psychologically harm well balanced people, who know how to use technology and are still able to live their life in the "real world" more than online.

Of course, my humble opinion :)

Interesting post man! Thanks

Sandbox will save us all!

Wise thoughts, thank you! Followed

Impressive article brother. I am going to post relevant article next week. Right now working on it.

I am following you now. Please follow me at @honeychum

Неужели нас ждет такое будущее? Даже не верится=)))

Thank you @ontofractal for the informative post. I will reestemd this post

IT is time to go with in.

I would agree somewhat in the sense that right now there might be some underlying malice in the social media world, but for AI and Machine Learning taking that much over, is a bit of a stretch. Really what the concern should be is Human Intelligence rather than Artificial Intelligence.