Cyberpunk Reflections: Warm food by Artoo-Detoo

in #cyberpunk5 years ago (edited)

Pripensoj de ciferecpunkulo

I was looking at some photos that a Chinese friend sent me from his trip through China. They were photos of a robot involved in a funny incident (an accident) which I'll write about in next days.

I started to make some fast drawings of the robot, making drafts to arrive later to a funny illustration of the event:


It reminds me of R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo or how it's called in some Spanish countries: Arturito), the little fat nerdy robot of Star Wars. But this one is real; it carries food to the rooms of guests in a Chinese hotel (the Rainbird Int'l Hotel in Sichuan).

It takes inside the warm food, goes through the corridors of the hotel to the lift, and then to the upper floors where the guests will open their doors to receive the meal... All of that with no help.

He is just another employee at the place, willing to deliver a good service for every customer.

How amazing is that?! The future is now!

A gap of liberties and comfort, in the same high-tech world

Ciferecpunka mondo

I live in the world of “The Walking Dead” (more of a zombie landscape here), but my dear friend lives in a big city more similar to the “Blade Runner” world.

But it's not an incoherence. You know, our world becomes everyday more cyberpunk-like, and the cyberpunk universe contains both conditions: the greatest luxury and liberty in some regions, and the worst poverty and oppression at other places; all of that intertwined by high-tech developments.

As Jordan Peterson always put it: there's an important difference we must understand between relative and absolute poverty.

Despite my difficulties, I would seem rich and privileged for the eyes of the poor and oppressed people of the past:

  • I am writing, designing and communicating with the outside world through several technological devices that would astound citizens of past centuries.
  • I am making my best creative efforts to build my cultural initiatives, from my deepest inspirations, using some “virtual communities” like Steemit, Patreon or BitBacker (Flote App from today)... Wish me luck!
  • And I'm literally earning some “virtual money” for these efforts, trying to strive financially and earn more of this money which is made of data in bits and electronic impulses (as a friend once told me, “made of little lights”). Later I exchange these electronic impulses for the food that my family needs to survive.

So I'm poor but a poor in a high-tech world... that's a privilege, when compared to the past conditions of humanity. Even when I build my own computers with components found among the garbage, and then install there some GNU-Linux OS, I'm exercising a kind of power that nobody in the past could even dream about.

How amazing is that? The future is now...

The inevitable transhumanist road

However, I keep delving into these deep reflections and the reasoning of anarcho-primitivist thinkers appear constantly in front of me: Is it really good for humanity this high-tech civilizatory transformation?

Well, I'm not sure about the goodness of it —as I see many new problems arising from this... and they are really frightening— but I'm sure that it's unstoppable, whether some of us may like it or not.

The best thing we can do, and which has been always our major instrument for survival, is to adapt ourselves to these new situations, in the wisest of ways.

I'm very drawn to the meditations about human spirituality in a high-tech world. That has a big part in my efforts to understand the world, and to adapt to it.

Are we going to keep experiencing profound & transformative spiritual journeys, even if we are living in the womb of the machines?

Maybe you want to reflect on these things as well... If so, keep a eye on my publications and we'll reflect together.

Background picture for the series' poster from Pixabay

Third image from Pixabay as well (second picture is my own drawing).

Logoo Spirajn Blanka kunfone-eta-180px.png


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~Spirajn Senpretend~

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Hi, I'm curious about the incident with the robot.

When I read the mention of the difference between living conditions, access to resources and quality of life, I have to agree with you. I have never read about an era in which there were no different levels of life according to human groups, but at present, the "Economic gap" and "Social gap" (which already existed since earlier times) adds the " Technological Gap "which ends up being the central problem, because today the first two gaps are derived from the third.

Can this be reflected in the situation that certain body improvements or technological implants, available in the near future, would have a very unequal distribution in the population? I'm almost sure you can answer: Yes!

Sadly, but realistically, I don't see that technological advances actually eliminate all stratifications and discriminations, they may even be the cause of the emergence of new forms of discrimination. Who knows, we may have in the future a separation between First and Third World according to the possibilities of making implants for improvement.

I loved this reflection. I think you're right and the implications of all this are profound and of major importance for the whole humanity.

We're going to witness just new forms of the same archetypal situations of the human experience: injustice, war, oppression; but also solidarity, sacrifice, resilience... all of that will take now high-tech forms.

The poor people will manage the high-tech in difficult, rebel ways. I think that we are already looking at the beginning of that: open-source software (and hardware, OSH), hacking and cryptocurrencies centered on privacy (as Zcash and Monero).

And I'm very interested in the ways by which we'll explore the spirituality. What will it be? In any way, it would mix our own biological processes (like dreaming) with the new technological possibilities.

Hi @spirajn

Our parallel world tegnologia and our transhumanist.

Already that is happening without realizing it, or we realize it but without paying attention to what happens because we have evolved with it.

I like the comment where you say:

So I'm poor but a poor in a high-tech world...

So we live in the same country, and we share the same thought.

We will continue reading the adventures of a robot

I'll try to publish that anecdote in this week.
My best desires.Thank you, dear @lanzjoseg.

Hello my dear @spirajn

So I'm poor but a poor in a high-tech world ... that's a privilege, when compared to the past conditions of humanity. Even when I build my own computers with components found among the garbage, and then install there some GNU-Linux OS, I'm exercising a kind of power that nobody in the past could even dream about.

As brother sounds, poor in a world of technology, we would be privileged poor then.

Thanks for reading me, dear @fucho80. As we always say, it's good to see the bright side of life.

Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

♥♥♥ Mil gracias

Dear @spirajn

I just had a chance to read your publication a moment ago

I was looking at some photos that a Chinese friend sent me from his trip through China.

I wonder when did you friend visit China. I've been there sometime around 2006 and I still have some photos on my desk from that trip. However - I bet I wouldn't recognize current China and it surely changed a lot since then.

Anyway, interesting read.

He is just another employee at the place, willing to deliver a good service for every customer.

And you don't need to tip them! yeyeye :)

They were photos of a robot involved in a funny incident (an accident) which I'll write about in next days.

Remember to share this post with me buddy,
Yours, Piotr

Sure, I will share, for our friends to see this c3PO delivering meals. Sometimes it's incredible that we are the first humans living in these conditions, surrounded by robots that do things for us... and we don't have to tip.

I wonder if robots will start to think that they deserve to be autonomous and free someday.

Well the travel was this year, around August. I've heard that the pace of technological development in the East is astonishing. But that's a phenomenon well known for every developed country... the Singularity.

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