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RE: Cascadia to Aztlan - A Halloween Encounter

in #cyclefeed6 years ago (edited)

I've seen enough trimigrant zombies to last a lifetime.... HEHE the thrift stores are full of folks grabbing whatever warm clothes can be had. I've toured and trimmed the PNW and I WAY prefer the latter.

Things have changed Indeed.

Sounds like a fun little adventure though, and glad you didn't get preyed upon by the undead trimmers.


Thank you for letting me take you along on this adventure, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. There is more to come, as I want to make it to L.A. for Thanksgiving.

oooooh so exciting!!! what a wonderful journey! i, wren, know quite a few peeps outside of LA in Pasadena if you want to connect with some cool people :D

Wow Wren, how could I pass up a chance to connect with some cool peeps, especially coming from someone I have gotten to known as amazingly cool, even though we never even met. The only thing is, some friends of mine are expecting me for Thanxgiving, and I don't know how, when, or if I can arrange Pasadena into my trip. But if possible, I'm totally down. Send me an e-mail to [email protected] And thank you so much for the offer! I'm super excited.