Strava Segment (moohanwiserise)
Suburban Sealed Road
Start: Main Road - Moohan Street Corner
End: Wise Street - Norfolk Street Corner
Note: This is the one and only segment to date, I have created on Strava and it actually goes against the normal direction most riders would expect. I wanted a gradual rise and this suburb has regular northerlies which means most of the time you're riding into a headwind.
Warning: Windy day, turn the volume down.
Action Camera: Sony FDR X3000 1080p 60fps

This is the start of a Video Series #stravasegments that I get to ride on while creating a #strava2hive post. Usually on a ride I notice segments by other riders and it's nice to see how my efforts compare to others. Each post will have the segment link, map, description and a video of the segment.

- with every post comes experience, as we all strive to do better.
- curate/up-vote, let's encourage/reward and inspire each other.
- as always, thank you for viewing my post.