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RE: The Old Dog Explores: Can a Better More Beautiful Bicycle Rack Be Built?

in #cycling8 years ago (edited)

As much as councils try and spruce them up a bit I think they are all pretty ugly...But undeniably functional.

Our local council has made it so almost all new building planning applications much have a cycle "shed".... I'm all for new cyclists and whilst i don't cycle I am courteous to those on the road who do.

What I do object to is our council spending an absolute fortune on cycle lanes on footpaths that are seldom used whilst neglecting the state of the roads...We do after all pay a hefty sum for road tax.

They have the idea that everyone in my large town will soon be using either a bike or public transport - they are living in lala land though. Most simply need to drive.

Sorry have gone off topic a bit there.


Hmmm it seems that you have some food for a nice post in that comment!

You have me thinking now! I might try and get some photos and make a post about it:)