My letter to former congresswoman, presidential candidate representing the Green party, Dr. Cynthia McKinney.
Hello Doc. This is Abdul Muhammad, power cell in the city of Chicago, a truly divided city. Geographically, we have the Blacks on the West and South East and everybody else plus some Blacks up North. Up North, there are Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Germans, Russians,, Africans, etc. The last sentence describes the two ends of the spectrum plus the immigrants. I rarely see Native Americans unless they are with Black Folk.

On the South Side, there are a handful of White, a whole bunch of Blacks with some Hispanics and a touch of
Africans, Jamaicans, and Haitians on the side. No Russians, Greeks, or Italians. The Middle easterners and Chinese work in their shops but don't live in the area. From what I know about the West Side,it's worst than the South Side. I usually don't go that way. Too much money to be depressed.
I would like to let you know that I was so honored and shocked when I was actually chatting with you on the internet. Wow!
If you check out my blog at [email protected], you would see that I've been using that particular platform to immortalize my attempt to communicate with very important people from my perspective.
I probably seemed very distraught during our messaging session and in reality, I am very distraught. I have been researching so long and so steady, I have enough work to last a few lifetimes. Good help is very difficult to find, especially on the South Side of Chicago. So many brainwashed, dumbed-down, drugged up, propagandized, chemtrailed victims of vaccines and 5g. Oh my god,this is such a mess.

The situation is dire. As it unfold in front of me, I'm ready to hustle up some fiat paper and head on up to either Austin, Texas, North Carolina, or Kingston New York. Why would I consider these locations instead of the big city of Chi, one may ask?. Because I feel like I'm behind enemy lines. As if I am sleeping with the enemy. In these seemingly far away lands are my main sources for truthful facts about the real world in its present state. Alex Jones, Max Keiser, and Gerald Celente, are truth tellers that I have been following the most since the inside job occurred in NY city on 9/11/2001.
The thing is, Dr. Mckinney, is that the people here are either asleep, playing asleep, or corrupt. Those that are corrupt are probably asleep too.
There is so much that I know that many people do not. I know because I ask. One real Estate seminar taught me this : "Whoever ask the most question--Wins' The problem is that no one is listening nor do they have time to listen. Those that are corrupt don't want to listen. Somehow, they've got to listen. It is a matter of life and death.

About six or seven months ago, I made the decision that, no matter what,
I would alert and educate whoever had the misfortune(or graciousness) to listen to me about the dangers of 5g. Since then, "I have been made aware of what top researches on 5 G, Deborah Tavares calls, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars". These weapons are situated in my South Side area in such great numbers. It is incredible. I wanted to see if things wee the same on the West and North Sides. Pretty much the same on the West Side while the North Side mostly Dish Network .

SGT REport
So, I have surmised Black genocide smacking me in the face every-time I walk out side my doors. To the south, a huge mast and tower houses multiple antennae and electric wires spewing electro-magnetic radiation. To the north, the same thing: cameras, microphones and 5G boxes on every other block in all directions. Which pieces are missing from this puzzle that I am building for you, doctor? Umph, umph, umph. I'm really not trying to bore you with my troubles. Please bear with me. Lord willing. As a matter of fact, God has blessed me with this opportunity to explain my situation to you! All praise is due Allah.

Don't mind me. Heer I go. Rahm Emanuel is retiring. I say he is trying to get away. He's set Chicago up for death with his globalist plotters Hillary and Bill Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama George W. and L:aura Bush. They have swiftly deployed the infrastructure of UN Agenda 21, 202-, and 2030...SMART cities. AT&T is banging on my door and those of my neighbors offering great deals on lifetime service which require wireless 5G routers. The workers for the building I live in just installed brand new 5G smart meters.

we had at the beginning of the year, 22 candidates for mayor. I plan to poll as many as I can about their awareness of the issue. I don't know how large your aptitude is on this issue, but as far as I am concerned, I pray I have given an adequate description of the threat facing unwitting Chicagoans on it's South Side. We are being lied to about global warming our private/public living spaces are being flooded with inappropriately tested, dangerous, and unhealthy, carcinogenic millimeter microwaves along with strategic aerosol injections of aluminum and barium and other different nano-particulates including drones, every single day, all day.

I will make my close. The opiode Crisis, the Facebook Psychological operation(Tavistock , Lord Allen, 5G microwaves and Strategic Aerosol injections have taken over the minds of innocent victims causing them to say and do violent thing with no self control. The neighborhood I'm in now, so many people have stated in front of me that thy are going to merk(kill) somebody. Chicago is like a microcosm of the deep State and everybody is just going along to get along. While Rahm makes his great escape, Chicagoans are left with a choice between two lesbian black females. Do these women understand the threat against our lives that Rahm has put together here. Will they be able to repair the damages? Or are they just placeholder. We need to address GENOCIDE of the South Side Blacks.
Thank you very much
Much, Much Love
Abdul H. Muhammad
@cynthiamckinney was here,...