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RE: Worldwide Cypher Jam [ ROUND 36 ] "Calling All MCs/Singers of Earth!!" 白蚁.

in #cypher7 years ago

"observe the curb" ... Impaired observation/risk assessment skill was the problem, I'd say... Otherwise, the whole point of getting drink is to do handstands in the street ...

Tell me about it, though ... had this plumbing problem in my house I didn't feel like getting to until yesterday ... four hours of concerted effort that fixed something that was annoying for months! So yeah, "do what you're feeling" certainly applies to not ignoring feeling annoyed, too! Bad feeling being as important as good feels ...


your right man!! I never even considered smackin my ankle off the curb lol

thats good too man im glad you got it sorted, just shows you how you can get shit done if u put your mind to it. Ive got mad procrastination going on at all times with shit like that, I usually just let annoying shit fry my head haha its not the best way of workin

...a lot of it is just staying on top of it ... too much and most of it slides, only so much one can handle ... I'm mostly opting for what's better, until like you say, it fries the brain to the point of ruining the better things to look forward to ... I think we all operate that way to some extent ...

yeah man I get what your sayin, chip away at it day to day instead of lettin stuff build up to where you gotta work flat out at something.
you gotta have stuff to look forward to otherwise whats the point like lol but i seem to live day to day or in the moment and barely plan at all. workin on improving it though.

That first part sounds valid from all I've heard. The crazy thing for me, I tend to do almost everything 'in serial' not 'in parallel' not 'multi-tasking' ... I'd say I'm most productive when I can focus on something and see it through, not 'piecemeal' like we're trained to do by so many institutions these days! ... That 'context switching' for me robs me of momentum, takes time to drop one task to start another, but maybe that's just me.

The second part about plans ... great when they work out ... technically, it seems only the simplest of plans have a good chance of working out, and simple plans are not necessarily deeply, existentially satisfying. However when 'life-fullfilling' plans don't work out, it could really leave one wishing they lived more 'in the moment' or worse case, nihilistic!

So yes my friend, on close examination, that's the problem ... How we go about 'squaring that circle' is the story of each and every one of our personal lives!

yeah man I hear you. I like to get 'in the zone' with one thing too like writing for instance. some people can think of rhymes all day while their doing stuff but for me, it doesnt happen until I sit down with a pen and pad and a beat, and start writing till Im pure focused on that one verse. I find that way much more enjoyable too.

I always avoid taking on tasks like doing a course or whatever that would take up to 6 years because it may not work out in the end and it couldbe a massive waste of time.

at the same time, by not planning life I am just rapping, playing games watching tv, like im on a predetermined plan by default which Im sticking at without thinking about it, but without actually planning it if it fails its no biggie in a way.

Now that you mention it, I too am now on that 'default route' you mention (cool insight btw!), mainly because I'm just coming off one of those 'five year plans' that never gained any traction and after about four years was downright painful. ... First time in my life I'm able to indulge myself for a few years in the curiosity of "What happens if I just live my life in the moment day by day for now?" Could be, any outcome planned or not could be a disaster or a triumph depending on how one looks at it afterwards!

thanks man, sorry to hear that 5 year plan didnt work out, thats my worst fear regarding that type of thing and probably why i dont do one but at least you tried it and now you know the outcome of doing that, you are older and wiser now i suppose

the default route is fun, cuz you can indulge yourself and enjoy things and all, but it doesnt hurt to know where its going. i barely thought about that before but the last month i have began to structure my days and ive become really productive as far as music goes so its a big step forward for me

it was going well, until I started looking into spirtual stuff there a couple weeks ago and got off track. like the 'sacred secretion' which is apparently a dmt rich fluid you can make your brain produce, and occult teachings and stuff. when somethings really interesting plans kind of go out the window to do more research lol