Hey guys, did you know that Charles Bridge is one of the oldest stone bridges in Europe? The Charles Bridge was built over the Vltava. It is only open to pedestrians, but that was not always the case. From 1883 the bridge was used as a horse tram and from the 20th century this was also released for electrical trams. I had the feeling that this bridge is alive around the clock. I liked the view of the river and the castle and that's also one of many reasons why the famous Charles Bridge is worth a visit! I saw many striking saints at the bridge and I had the feeling to be in an open-air museum. Musicians play songs during the day and countless traders sell souvenirs and art articles. Many people also stop to take pictures in front of the castle on the Charles Bridge: as I did on the picture above :)
The beginning of my bridge walk! You have to enter the gates to reach the bridge
The stone bridge was stuffed with pedestrians, musicians and artists. The construction of the bridge began in 1357
Many tourists are looking for souvenirs
You are able to see many holy statuary on the Charles bridge
The architecture of the towers is amazing
Is it possible to escape the mass of tourists to relax a bit?
I found a calm place down by the river and had a nice view of the bridge away from the tourist crowds :)
See You Soon - Big Hug - Lena <3 <3
deutsch / same post in German
Wusstest ihr, dass die Karlsbrücke zu den ältesten Steinbrücken Europas zählt? Die Karlsbrücke wurde über der Moldau gebaut. Sie ist nur für Fussgänger geöffnet, jedoch war das nicht immer so. Ab 1883 wurde die Brücke als Pferdebahn verwendet und ab dem 20. Jahrhundert wurde diese auch für Strassenbahnen freigegeben. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass diese Brücke rund um die Uhr belebt ist. Mir gefiel die Sicht über den Fluss und auf die Burg ganz gut und schon allein deswegen ist die berühmte Karlsbrücke ein Besuch wert! Auffallend sind auch die Heiligenfiguren an der Brücke und ich hatte das Gefühl mich in einem Freilichtmuseum zu befinden. Tagsüber spielen Musiker Songs und unzählige Händler verkaufen Souvenire und Kunstartikeln. Viele halten auch an, um Bilder vor der Burg auf der Karlsbrücke zu schießen: so wie ich oben auf dem Bild :)
Der Brückenspaziergang beginnt! Zuerst muss man jedoch das Tor durchqueren, um auf das Brückengelände zu gelangen
Die Steinbrücke war mit Fussgängern, Musikern und Händlern überfüllt. Der Bau der Brücke began 1357
Viele Touristen legen sich kleine Andenken aus Prag zu
Heiligen Statuen schmücken die Karlsbrücke
Die Architektur der Türme fällt ins Auge
Ist es möglich der Touristenmasse zu entfliehen?
Ich fand ein ruhiges Plätzchen am Fluss und hatte eine schöne Sicht auf die Brücke abseits der Tourisitenmassen :)
Bis Bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3
Looks beautiful place...
Yup its really beautiful place.nice and great place to visit
nice photos, @lenatramper ,👌
i like the placebridge nice and memorable @lenatramper
Wow, kamu cantik, dan tempatnya juga indah.
Thanks @lenatramper already sharing information about Charles Bridge is one of the oldest stone bridges in Europe? I always follow you
Great post
It's really really beautiful city.
Die Karlsbrücke ist wirklich wunderschön! Ich war auch schon dort, aber zum Glück nicht zur Urlaubszeit. Da hatte ich dann etwas mehr Freiraum auf der Brücke😅.
Liebe Grüße
John B.
So artistic and beautiful bridge, have a nice trip and success always for you @lenatramper
Wow amazing photography post.. I appreciate your travel... Thanks for sharing valuable post..
Wonderful place... best of luck...
Charles Bridge in Prague is beautiful, more beautiful with the style of wearing sunglasses lena, like the goddess of heaven, incredible views, crowded who enjoy, elegant colors add beautiful lena, thanks for sharing, @jhoni happy to enjoy it.😊♥
I always follow you.. You give us such amazing and historical photography @lenatramper
hy @lenatramper. happy to see your post as such butiful bridge. the scenery behind you is also beautiful.
This bridge truly looks ancient.
It wonderful it still stands tall till date.
The bridge seems very busy with pedestrians and thoughts of promoting steemit just keeps popping in and out of my head.
Beautiful girl and traveling @lenatramper
Very cool big city :) And I want make street photography there :)
nice post...
I like traveling @lenatramper
When to asia @lenatramper
I think you are a always great traveling...... thanks for sharing..... upvote and resteemit.
Beautiful scenery of beautiful results. photo the natural beauty that has brought you to get a beautiful dream every night.You are a very lucky person, because you have seen what I can not see in my life.I have never seen this scene it's amazing. Thank you guys for sharing, I hope someday to visit such a beautiful place even if it is not possible for me.
hope you are always healthy yes, this is an amazing journey, I hope your day is fun.
As you have said you should follow but before your article must be read, your post is very good that has forced me now. I am proud of you. all images are delightful and attractive
now salut to you my dear
amazing post thank you for sharing. walking in the footsteps of history literally on that bridge. i wonder if you felt like you were walking through each decade as you took each step just imagining everyone who had once walked there since it was made. bravo 👐✌👏👏
Wow very nice post my dear sister @lenatramper
Die Burg ist wunderschön und echt riesig😱
Hope to someday be able to visit Prague again. I used to spend the night in Excalibur City, outside of Prague. Nice photos, Lena!
Woo..jembatan bridge my friend thanks for sharing my story upvote and resteem friends