Hey guys, sometimes we have to change the perspective to understand things better or in a different way. I even read that psychologist recommend to change usual routine in our usual life, for example:
- try to manage to use just your left arm if you are right-handed
- do not use always the same way to work (just an example)
- If you have a favorite walking route then try to walk exactly the opposite way. Your usual starting point should be the destination
I was spending few days in Prague and was walking around in the city center, I thought about to change the perspective and decided to see Prague from above. To reach a nice viewing platform I went up a few stairs in a old town city hall and made some pictures :)
My way up
Weak wind gusts I felt up here
Prague from above, houses in the city center looks like a fairytale. And people are like ants
The church is almost like a sky scraper
It is always worth to see a city from above :)
See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3
deutsch / same post in German
Hallo nochmal Ihr Lieben! Manchmal sollten wir unser Perspektive ändern, um einiges besser im Leben zu verstehen und Dinge aus anderen Blickwinkeln betrachten zu können. Ich habe sogar gelesen, dass Psychologen dazu raten gewöhnliche Routinen im Leben zwischendurch zu verändern, zum Beispiel:
- solltest du Rechtshänder sein, dann probieren doch mal nur mit der linken Hand durchs Leben zu kommen (dasselbe gilt natürlich auch für Linkshänder, nur eben andersrum)
- probiere deine gewöhnlichen Weg vom Routenverlauf zur ändern (zum Beispiel "der Weg zur Arbeit")
-Hast du einen Lieblingsspazierweg? Super! Diesmal wird dein Start das gewöhnliche Ende deiner Wanderoute sein
Ich habe einige Tage in Prag verbringen können und meine Spazierwege waren die Wege im Stadtkern. Diesmal wollte ich die Perspektive ändern und der Entschluss stand fest Prag mal von oben zu beobachten. Um eine schöne Aussicht zu ergattern ging es im Stadtturm einige Treppen hinauf. Einige Bilder möchte ich teilen :)
Der Weg nach oben
Schwache Windstösse kamen mir entgegen, wirkten jedoch erfrischend
Prag von oben, die Häuser könnten auch aus einem Märchen entsprungen sein. Unsere Mitmenschen könnten doch auch glatt Ameisen sein :)
Die Kirche kann man schon als Wolkenkratzer bezeichnen :D
Es lohnt sich immer wieder das Stadttreiben mal von oben zu beobachten!
Bis Bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3
I love you my dear @lenatramper enjooy
amazing 😘 😘
A really great and original idea @lenateamper. You decide to apply exactly what you read in this book of psychology and apartment you managed to change the routine and even change the way you bring us your beautiful tour: Start with panoramic pictures taken from above. Indeed the cities of eastern Europe are usually identical architecturally. Spend a nice day dear friend
You look very beautiful @lenatramper.
nice photos and pretty girls
interesting trip i like @lenatramper
Looks very beautiful scenery, good lena enjoy your good friend.
We love you @lenatramper, thanks
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Hi @lenatramper. Long time not to see you in steemit. I always like your travel. Thanks for sharing this amazing post, I like your photo.
Danke für die weiteren Bilder - hab noch viel Spaß!
Beautiful photos Lena. Just FYI - you took them from the Old Town City Hall located on the Old Town Square ;) Amazing spot.
hahah thanks I am always very confused which buildings I am visiting :P
Amazing photos of Prague! Love this city. Best view of city is from "Terasa U Prince" restaurant ;)
Ich liebe Prag, sehr schön :)
a fun adventure. I really enjoy the photos you attach. enjoy your journey, Lena.
This great traveling, I love your photography.
And you are a looking so sweet. Best of luck my dear friend....... upvote and resteemit.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful article, and it is wonderful to change the routine, because the study of psychology that the daily routine and the repetition of business and daily actions cause us boredom and boredom, while change activates the vitality of our bodies and the psychological change of the best and the feeling of happiness ،
All the best for you my dear friend @lenatramper 👍👍👍😃😉
Postings that attract my beautiful friend, really show the beautiful scenery
This great traveling,I like your photography.
All the best. Thanks for sharing.....my friend.
WoW... amazing post.i appreciate your every.
Thanks for sharing valuable blog.
Best of luck @lenatramper
very beautiful and sweet selfie, with very beautiful lips, incredible scenery, elegant color, cheko is really fun, your happiness is happiness @jhoni, thank for sharing @lenatramper. 😊 ♥.
so wie immer alles super!
Wunderschöne Aussicht auf Prag😍
an amazing trip, have a great day
thank you for sharing an amazing photography of your journey, have a nice day
this is a photography of your journey is amazing, hopefully you can always entertain us
We love you..!.Thanks alot for your share @lenatramper.
Many thanks..!.Very beautiful, I like you @lenatramper.
Good post @lenatramper
Good post @lenatramper
Amazing moment @lenatramper