so I'm trying to access D-tube just to long in and its telling me my key is wrong. I changed my key to double check and nothing. Could it be that I'm putting in the wrong user name?
if anyone out there could help that would be great.
so I'm trying to access D-tube just to long in and its telling me my key is wrong. I changed my key to double check and nothing. Could it be that I'm putting in the wrong user name?
if anyone out there could help that would be great.
To log-in, type in your SteemIt user-name: "@torahparamujeres"
Next, go to your SteemIt wallet. Click on the "Permissions" tab.
The top password, "POSTING" is the one you want. Go over to the right & click, "SHOW PRIVATE KEY," then copy your private posting password into the appropriate spot to log-in on Dtube.
I hope that helps.
Yes it did thank you sir!!