DAD_Chronicals : 18 reasons why raising a child is more exhausting than almost any job

18 reasons why raising a child is more exhausting than almost any job

Which of us has not already cursed his job? About the stress, the colleagues, the payment? And yet, every job has its end of work, when you can go home at the end of the working day to get away. One of the reasons why raising a child is more exhausting and, in many ways, more demanding than almost any job.

My wife and I already had a variety of jobs - many were exhausting, some of them physical and some with no real regulation of working hours. We have already worked independently - "self" and "constantly" should be emphasized here. The exhaustion - both physical and nervous - that we have experienced as parents is, however, not comparable to any of our previous jobs. That's why we firmly believe that the job that parents do every day is more exhausting than almost any job. You do not believe us?

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Here are 18 reasons why raising a child is more exhausting than almost any job:

In the job there is usually a fixed weekly working time, a closing time and also at night you are usually not harassed by the work. A child is a 24-hour job, without weekend and night sleep is difficult in the first years ....

In professional life you are entitled to a relaxing holiday. On holiday with a child, it can sometimes be more exhausting than at home.

Holidays are usually free in the job. With children, the stress usually increases at Christmas.

In the job you have a generally clean job - often this is cleaned overnight by a cleaning crew. Of that parents can only dream.

In the job, colleagues usually do not mischievously mess up their work. This can happen to children (for example when doing laundry).

At work, you usually have a little peace and privacy - if necessary, when going to the bathroom. They are usually given up with children.

In the job means "authority" something and can usually prevail.

Colleagues are often available for good arguments. Children? Often not like that.

In professional life, bribery is forbidden. With children, you often can not get on without a little bit of bribery.

As a rule, one does not have to nurse one's colleagues in professional life - with the risk of infecting oneself.

In the job you can get sick if you feel sick and then focus on recovery. With child? Not so easy.

In many professions, there are business trips, through which one comes out of the office and thus has variety. These are often exhausting, but in most cases you can relax a bit during the trip. Traveling with children is usually extremely stressful.

In noisy jobs, provision is made for workers' health. When dealing with children? Nope.

In professional life, a union often ensures the reasonableness of working conditions and that work does not prevail. Parents are basically ALL reasonable. In the best case, they can protect themselves from being overloaded.

In a job you get a pay for your work that you can usually live on. If you raise a child, you still have to worry about how to finance yourself.

Usually one prepares for his job through years of training. As a parent you are constantly thrown into new situations for which you have no professional education. In fact, you would need special education that will teach you skills in areas such as cooking, psychology, crisis management, finance and medicine.

If you no longer like it at work you can look for a new job. New children against it? This option is not provided ...

In the job one gets recognition - if only sometimes by the salary. The job of parents is accepted as normal. Every day there are complaints from the children, thanks perhaps when they are grown up and have children themselves.

Of course children also give their parents a lot back. The pleasures that one has as a father or mother are not experienced in professional life. There are sometimes other nice experiences, but usually not in the frequency as in life as a parent and almost never in the same intensity. These beautiful experiences also need parents very urgently, otherwise they could not hold their unique ambitious job.

Even one of the kindergarten teachers in front of whose work we now have a pagan respect, said, after she had become a mother herself: "own children are another very different thing." One has no closing time, was much tense, feel significantly more stress.

In any case, with my wife and me, the respect for parents and their performance - including that of our own parents - has risen enormously. In our opinion, parenting is an incomparable task: extremely exhausting with absurd demands on father or mother, but also uniquely enriching and indispensably important.

My respect from this point to all fathers and mothers out there who stand day by day their husband or wife. YOU MAKE AN UNBELIEVABLE JOB !!!


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So true. Parenting is much harder than I thought, even though everyone told me it would be hard. Glad to find others posting about parenting here.

I found this because I'm looking through other parenting posts on here because I just posted a video podcast episode where I talk about peaceful parenting and unschooling with Dayna Martin. There's a lot of great info in this talk. If that sounds interesting to you, check it out here:

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