Dad Tip of the Day: Your kids will tell on you and get you in trouble with your spouse.
My wife is smart. She doesn’t miss much. She got straight A’s in school and has a master’s degree… even her blood type is A positive.
I used to be able to get away with a few things when she wasn’t looking – drinking directly out of the 2-liter soda bottle, tossing a piece of trash across the room into an open trash can, eating a cookie without a napkin, etc. Things that are generally no-no’s in her book.
Well, having kids has seriously restricted my ability to get away with things – my kids rat me out! I apparently haven’t taught them the life fact that “snitches get stiches”.
Like the time I taught my son how to jump off the couch when my wife wasn’t home – he went and told her all about it!
Or the time all of his spoons were dirty, so I gave him a plastic kiwi cutter to eat his ice cream with (it has a spoon on the end!) – ratted out again!
How about the time I told him to wipe his booger on his pants when I couldn’t reach him in the car… or the time we were watching golf on TV while mom as at the grocery store and turned it off when we saw her pulling up - he said “we were watching golf on TV mom” when she asked how things were going… come’on son!
This last weekend we were getting ready for Jacob’s birthday party and there were a few extra balloons, so while mom was inside with Kendra I filled up a regular balloon with water to the size of a basketball to make a ginormous water balloon, but it accidentally popped as we were carrying it to throw it safely into the street and got one of the bouncy toys all wet right before the party… he told on me of course!
There you have it. Dads should be prepared to get in more trouble than ever before on account of their kids! I recommend building up those brownie points with your spouse whenever you can, so maybe you get in less trouble later!
Good luck,
Oh Dude, As much as you might want to trust your kids with any secret you can be sure as the wind blows that they will out you without a second thought or even knowing they did it. Also, Never and I mean never pull the "this is our little secret" card or "don't tell mommy" card. Not only will they rat you out for whatever you are trying to keep a secret but they will then unknowingly make you the head of a full on marital conspiracy. Kids innocence is a wonderful thing. Don't ever forget it. lol
Owen does the same to me. I was going to surprise my wife with her gift and Owen totally ran to her and told her , "We're getting you your present mommy". Lol
Ha, that is funny!
Kids always telling the truth ! And Sometimes it “hurts”.
And be prepared if they start copy you.... that will be fun 😉
Jajajajaja Jacob is beautiful but this is how the children keep nothing, they say everything @brian.rrr
Even if I sm not in the best mood today you made me laugh so hard... Kids are the most honest and they just can't keep secrets. So you really have to think twice what to do in their presence.😇
This is how our children get us into trouble but I think they do it without realizing it, beautiful Jacob
Hahah, funny stories you got there. Kids are just great!
Their purity, honesty and kindness makes my heart warm 😊
Friend Brian, I laughed a lot with your story, hahaha. In relation to what you say, I am divorced and I only have one teenage daughter who fortunately lives with me because it is all for me, so I do not have anyone to betray me with! Oh, and also my blood is A positive! I wish you all the best for you and your family. Best regards.
Hahaha for your words as you see that your child Jacob has done many mischief, but that's how you are right. All the words said by you in your publication are wise of a father already with knowledge about the children. Greetings to you and your beautiful family @brian.rrr
When they are old enough, you snitch on them once, and they will quickly learn the ways of life 😅
Haha :D
Nice post and I can definitely relate. We tried to find where the balance is with siblings too. On one had, yes, I want them to tell me when something is up, but on the other, nobody likes a tattletail.
Hi, how are you, are you in trouble? hahahaha your son is beautiful, they naturally betray, and they put us in trouble, being parents is the best friend experience, blessings to your beautiful family!
Kids always do that, they have a habit of getting you in trouble. And no trouble is greater than the fear of spouse
hahaha such a great post that is hilarious.. yes little kids can be snitches :P atleast they keep u honest hehe
this is a amazing story in your life.i agree with your opinion.but life is always happy if you its really enjoy it.i hope you enjoyed your son jacos all wishes for your cute child.your wife really smart. overall perfect sir..thank u very much for your good post sharing.. @brian.rrr
Wow !!!!!!!!
Very [email protected]
Well I think kids are more attracted toward mummy than dady, they can easily rat you out, so dont keep secrets with them.
kids get attracted with anyone so easily and can shear all your secrets, so be careful when sharing a secret with them...
Very nice kid.
You are a good father for your child
Do not forget to teach your child for learning steemit :)
the kids face is so funny ;)
very cute and very pretty kid, very cute @brian.rrr
This is awesome.I remember my childhood to seen this photo.I appreciate this trip.Best of luck
kid's are fun , wait till there grow up though....
my kids have snitched on me many times.
The honesty of a child is worth gold! Love the spontaneous picture!
Yeah, I can relate to this. I've got 6 year old twins and they've definitely thrown me under the bus a few times. Good times though.
My little brother does that
Mine too! Lol
i think if it is daughter then you can share the secret !
if its son then remember he is moms boy!
Ha ha ha, that's so funny! I can just picture him immediately running to your wife and telling her whatever you just did. One day you'll be able to rat him out to his wife and then just pretend you don't know what you're doing. LOL. That was a piece of advice!
very clever advice!
thanks, good advice is worth a try
Nice post. Way to go
Childhood is a wonderful time in life, we have all life ahead to grow up. Your kid is having fun jumbing on the couch. I think we all did this when we were kids.
jajajaja a los niños nada se les escapa, ellos por inocencia lo hacen y aunque nos delaten debemos recordarle que eso no lo es debido para que puedas hacer todo eso sin ser traicionado por los niños jejejeje.