Bobi the Bad sees another Bad^^s cat in the house: Daily Pet Photography Event - Day - 675 !!

Bobi the Bad saw a bad^^ss cat

and paused to stare awhile, see that this one was up to.

I set it on the floor for him to inspect,

but the dogs came charging over to photo-bomb, and I didn't get a single picture out of that deal. Until the dogs left.

And don't hurry back!

Bobi messages them via mind-control and green snake eyes.


Hilarious, and I love his new rival!

As for the dogs . . . well, dogs.

Cats are such bad^^ses. ;-)

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His new rival has an LED light that glows green. And a HAT.
Maybe Bobi was scheming to get the hat.
And yes... DOGS. 'nuff said :)

Yeah, he does seem to be scheming, but perhaps for the hat and the light!

Ah well. Cat. 'Nuff said.

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God knows my cats, and Lolo, go insane when I bring out the laser pointer . . . er, kitty torture toy.

Which was actually quite helpful when Lolo was a puppy, and it was too cold or rainy to let him out for any length of time.

At least by running his furry butt all over, chasing the red dot, he got some much-needed exercise!

That said, the cats learned pretty quickly that they'd better not chase it with Lolo, lest they be run over and stomped to smithereens.

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Awww, poor, big Lolo, crushing little things underfoot!
Once again we can be shocked: another CAT TORMENTOR in our midst, posing as the kindest and gentlest of souls. :) Not to worry - all cats had it coming - the torment of the laser pointer as karma for playing with their prey!

Lolol, yes, Lolo is usually pretty good about not stomping on the cats, though all bets are off when he's intent on the red dot.

I don't bring it out often, so it remains something special, for all of them.

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Only you could have them grateful for the elusive red dot!

I don't know that grateful is the word they'd likely use.

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@whatisnew posted this:

Speaking of cats...I met someone here on Steemit by posting pictures of our cats every Saturday using the tag #caturday and we have been friends ever since. Her cat, Pepper is adorable. @djynn hosts a weekly giveaway and the prizes are Steem Basic Income shares. It is a fun and easy contest and you don't need to have a cat to enter. The weekly giveaway begins every Friday and ends on Sunday evenings, and sometimes runs longer. She only has a couple of entries each week so I want to help her out and you also. This is Week #22 of her "Caturday Steem Basic Income Giveaway" and I am asking that you please give her some love. Go HERE to enter for a chance to win SBI shares. Thank you and good luck!

Ahahaha. He looks very intrigued by that silent and extremely quiet cat! 😂

Never trust a statue - even a rock is a dance of invisible electrons.
Cats trust NOTHING to be safe, I swear...

but he looks so cute!

Aww Bobi the Bad is adorable! I would have fallen for him too, for sure!
What a cute post!