Dear @DtubeDaily on @Dtube #123 // reasons to be cheerful, 1-2-3. ..

in #daily-vlog7 years ago (edited)

It’s kinda hard to believe that for 123 days straight I’ve recorded a vlog on here, sure I’m motivated by the fact that the proof of brain algorithm, a bit of luck, some lucky golden slippers and maybe a snow globe fortnite portal globe in hand in the equation too.. .

truth is, without knowing it, the steem blockchain and especially in this instance dtube is actually helping maintains people not only engagement and momentum to create but also to feel empowered to do so.

I would have never done the same amount of days on youtube — why you ask, well you see it’s not ‘joined up’ as much as the steem eco system is, sure I could follow a number of bloggers over there, I could watch their videos, I could engage in their comments, I could drive their attention to my videos but the issues is one of age group.

Being a forty something I’m not a slime maker, I’m not a cake baker, I don’t live in LA and use sensationalism to craft videos (although I bet I could totally rip off that style) or talk a million miles an hour about things (ok sometimes) so yeah, my ‘people’ and audience is different. ..

.. . heck the way these ‘drop’ into my feed mean that my steemit feed looks a bit of a mess on the daily with hunts, @dlive and @dtube and whatever apps I use on the steem blockchain to post to my profile, it’s a little, let’s say disjointed to the average viewer — but that’s where the differences stop for me, because I know on dtube especially lots of other ‘vloggers’ hang out there too, people who are decentralised the way they live out their lives — not so central, not so driven by the audience, but instead, and if you ask me more authentically them.

It’s great having output channels, conduits of of stateless abandon, like virtual dead drops to put a vlog, using these new wonderfully storage methods and cutting edge technologies to pop up as a video file somewhere on the grid of connected machines, it’s like sending out thousands of little messages in a bottle each day — you just don’t know what shore it’s gonna land on and how it might influence your analog engagements later on with those people.

So it’s a big weekend thank you to @dtube this weekend for being a creator supporter, an inspiration and a basic attention (not just income) routine that I’m thankful for, just consider what decentralised platforms can do for people with mental health, anxiety and other such frowned upon conditions that we don’t talk about in society — having any outlet that does not judge or come with an automatic toxic audience (currently) is wonderful and I support your hard work and efforts massively.

So thank you, thank you for being my digital post it note platform where I can just fire a digital vlog into the ether and know that it’s fluttering by lots of systems to find it’s home in the land of the IPFS and beyond :)



Congrats, 123 days str8 is quite an awesome accomplishment!

Nice to see you being grateful for all what @dtube and @dlive do for Steemians. Its only getting started if you ask me.


cheers bro! :) yeah they do so much for steemians. great services and teams.