The Daily Prophetic Word:
The Father says today, that I want you to come up higher. There is nothing for you in the lowlands of earthly thinking or acting. Embrace the rationale of heaven that thinks My thoughts and ever seeks to ascend to the pinnacle of who I am on the inside of you. There in that high place I am your refuge. There I will take away all the garbage that man and the enemy wants you to entertain. There in the high place I will cause you to see through the ephemeral nature of physicality and then live your life from the perspective of a being who is ETERNAL IN THE HEAVENS by virtue of the incorruptible seed that I have conceived within you. In Me - in the high place, you cannot be diminished or reduced in any way. In Me, you come to the place of the Spirit that predicates all that happens next, and will bring you fully into the burden light and yoke easy that is your portion.
Rise up. Rise up out of the mire of discouragement and frustration. Command your eyes to see and your ears to hear My sound in the earth. Rise above the appearances of this world. Reject the judgments of the eye and the mind that are only an ongoing partaking of the tree that destroyed man in the first place. Reject the tree of knowledge for the tree of life. I am that tree of life. I am that vine! I am vining Myself in you. I am branching Myself in you. Abide IN Me and I will abide IN you until there is no place where you can discern where I take up and you leave off! We will be one. We will be one and in that oneness - full privilege and full sonship will be manifest in you and become the portion that you partake of every day of your sojourn on this earth.