(Finnish bastardization of Italian "Ciao". Means pretty much the same.)
Well I took my longer lens with me when Ninnu and I went for a walkabout in the forest.
Here are some photos:
I've been wanting to clean up my hard drives from extra fluff for ages now, and since it seems I'm actually finally reaching up to the top capacity of 4TB. Either I need to find myself a new harddisk (external backup or expand the internal hdd) to store my data on, or just delete most of it.
Not sure what I should do though. Backups would always be nice, but I don't know how reliable they are, since I already lost one 1TB backup disk few years back.
Yep. Hard choices.
See ya later guys!
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I think ninnu is good model in front of your lens, some natural photos are there that look beautiful an art view.
Whao, how did that happen? I asked because I do keep my important things as backup on my external hdd. I dont want to lose any information I have on it.
It's a Lacie 1TB backup disk, and it just stopped working, in that it doesn't power up. I guess there was nothing wrong with the disk itself, and it's just the electronics that somehow fried. I tried taking it out of its casing and connecting it directly to SATA, but still no life.
I've got all Leo's early childhood photos there from the ages before he was 4. It's a bit sad. But I'm hoping that I can send it to a recovery service once I have enough money to spare.
The one I have also is a 1Tb disk but a different brand., ADATA
Sorry about losing those wonderful memories. It will be great if it can be recovered.
Ninnu looks like it is camouflaged into the forest.
I wonder where the name comes from and if it has a meaning.
Thanks for the comment!
Heh, the name "Ninnu" is a short for "Antonina". As she is a Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, her breeder gave the puppies Russian names.
"Ninnu" itself does not mean anything special in Finnish though. It's more like a caressive form of the original name.
This lens is very interesting! It’s quite sharp and full of details captured too!
This way of giving me tips about lenses is very useful! I am learning new things about proper camera!