I shot some birds today.

Female chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

Spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)

Redwing (Turdus iliacus)

Great tit (Parus major)
I also took some photos of dead tree trunks I wanted to talk about, but I guess I will have to leave that for some other day for now.
I had to run some file system maintenance (mainly btrfs balance) on my computer, and it is slowing everything down to a crawl, so I can't get anything done in time for a while. I started running the filesystem balancer on Saturday, and it is still running with "only" 46% left.
Well, can't complain, I've been putting more and more stuff on my harddisks without running regular maintenance, or even cleaning up some unneeded things.
I need to put them on my to-do list.
But ahm... going to bed now...
See ya soon!
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Weekly and Fresh 📸 #17 |
The Great tit looks very colourful. I thought birds in cold climates should be bigger and have more feather to keep themselves warm in cold months. There must be lots of birds there as you live near the forest.
Haha... I guess the sizes of the birds don't go hand-in-hand with the surrounding climate. Might have something to do with available nutrition though.
Yes, lately I've seen a lot more birds than normally. I don't know if it's psychological or not, after seeing an article that said birds sing more loudly now that the Covid19 has made the world generally a quieter place with fewer humans making noise. According to the article they are "filling the void" with their singing.
Very interesting! Would love to hear really loud birds’ songs!
You just reminded me that I should be archiving my old files (particularly photos) from 2019 out to an external so that I can keep my laptop clean and fast.
Yes, it is a hassle when there's too much data to compile haha.
Remember to make back-ups too. I lost one of my external hard drives and with it almost 1 terabyte of photos and videos of Leo's childhood. The drive just stopped working.
I'm still hoping to get all that data rescued one day. It's just a bit too expensive at the moment.
Hm. How about backing them up on DVD? 🤔
I would need 213 DVD's to back-up one 1TB hard drive.
My computer has 4TB hard disk space.
Yikes! That's A LOT OF DATA
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