I forgot! Everyone should take up to 3000 grams of Vitamin C and one zinc tablet everyday to fight the virus! Vitamin D3 is also necessary as you are not expose to sunshine!
This is how a Chinese lady never got infected in hospital in Wuhan while she was nursing her relative. The doctor and nurse who warned her that she was courting death all died. So, other doctors asked her what she was taking! She’s crazy about vitamins!
I am taking my own precaution too.
Could you find Chaga tea there? It’s proven that drinking this everyday help two Chinese families not affected by the virus in Wuhan.
Google this Chaga tea, it’s very well known! Here, we have very good Thai and Chinese herbal medicines to take everyday! So, lots of people are not easily affected by the virus!
Shuang Huang Lian is also very good! It’s sold like hot cakes in America but we could not find it here! Google it, it’s everywhere on the internet. You can take this everyday too.
But Chaga tea will be easier to find in. Europe!
Good luck!