Welcome to Daily Bitcoin News' Daily picks of cryptonews we've featured today, January 4, 2018. Below are featured news articles (linked) that we've posted on our website. Clicking on the link will take you to read the rest of the article. Aside from featured articles we have on the front page a news aggregate that updates once an hour. This feature is available 24/7.
Today's featured news:
Fakebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, says that he will look into integrating cryptocurrencies into Facebook services
Oh Joy! Zuckerfuck is seeking to get into Crypto's... probably will go with Ripple since it follows the status quo of enslavement and centralization.
The rise of the cypherpunks and a conversation with @RichardHeartWin
This is an excellent episode of the Keiser Report. They give us a nice educational look into the origins of Bitcoin, and Cypherpunks. Then the program gets really good when Max Keiser interviews Richard Heart - discussing things like Btrash.
Ebay: selling cryptocurrencies without a license?
Ebay’s online platform appears to offer unlicensed cryptocurrencies, including unambiguous scams and coins whose bid prices are out of all proportion to the current market price. Those responsible seem to be aware of this problem, but no effective steps have yet been taken.
Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Bans Clients from Bitcoin Fund
Bank of America’s brokerage arm Merrill Lynch has barred clients and their financial advisers from participating in bitcoin investments.
These Dutch Researchers Are Mining Cryptocurrencies With Body Heat
Cryptocurrencies may be bringing us closer to a world of singularity and the Matrix more than we can imagine. One experiment designed by Manuel Beltrán aims to bring humans closer to this world by using human-powered energy to mine digital assets. The Dutch-based research and development team called the Institute of Human Obsolescence led by Beltrán is mining cryptocurrencies with a special bodysuit that harvests human body heat into a sustainable energy source.
Japan: The New Heart of Bitcoin
No matter what negative news rocked the community, what hard fork happened or what skeptics stated, bitcoin held strong in 2017.
This is due in no small part to Japan. While the wider community is what breathes life into any coin, Japan is now bitcoin's heart; the country that is at the center of its support. There used to be a concern about the longevity of bitcoin, the safety of using such a novel new invention.
The Lightning Network May Save Bitcoin
Bitcoin rose to fame as the first of its kind, the pioneering cryptocurrency that paved the way for others to come. Since then, however, the rest have more than caught up. There are currently several cryptocurrencies that are faster, cheaper and more private, and the world is responding by moving their money to these more efficient networks.
Venezuela Seeks Miners for the Petro – Maduro Claims 860,811 Already Signed Up
Venezuela is looking for miners for the country’s national cryptocurrency, the Petro. The government has opened up a registry for miners to sign up to mine and gain access to the new currency. According to Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro, 860,811 young people have already registered to create the Petro mining farms.
Keep an Eye Out for These Bitcoin Tech Trends in 2018
In many ways, 2017 was Bitcoin’s best year yet. Most obviously, increased adoption made the pioneering cryptocurrency’s exchange rate skyrocket from under $1000 to well over 10 times that value.
Bitcoin Still Too Small in India to be Regulated
Cryptocurrency exchanges in India are bullish on the adoption of bitcoin and other digital currencies in the country. But many don’t believe the market is large enough for the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or the Ministry of Finance) to intervene and regulate yet. Companies belonging to the ecosystem also believe that the increase in volatility may attract more people to cryptocurrencies.
2017's Crypto (R)evolution Was Just the Beginning
When we kicked off this year, bitcoin had just topped $1,000 for the first time in three years.
It was a signal to the market, but cryptocurrency still lacked serious interest from mainstream banks and institutional investors. Today, we’re looking at a very different market and, as one of the largest liquidity providers in the space, Cumberland has had a front row seat to the evolution — or revolution, depending on your perspective.
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