Daily chicken November 27

This is a loved chicken!

Today's daily chicken is Fluffer. She's not usually a super personable chicken, but today she was feeling the love and let me hold her, so she's the daily chicken.

She got her name because she was the last one of the new chickens to feather out. She was our fluffy runty girl and now her feathers are super pretty and speckled more than the other GSLs.

This morning, in the euphoria of our leaf haul, I hugged all the chickens that would let me. A little good vibes never hurt, right? :)

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I hugged all the chickens that would let me.

That is the cutest. You are the best. Mine are scared of me still!

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Hug them :)

Hahahah I sound like a hippie!!! I'm not a hippie, I promise 😂

These ones were all held daily since we got them, whether they wanted to be or not. It helped tame them down I think. The first three we got weren't held as babies (again, sounding like a hippie) and were largely wild birds, and are scared to death of humans.

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Nothing wrong with hippies man!!! Especially the animal loving kind. Right. So hug them more??

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I've always had a bit of a hippie streak.

My favorite thing to do was to hold one and go for a walk around the yard. They calmed down quick. Koekoek was the best. She'd snuggle in like a sweet chicken and just sit there.

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Ok my plan for this afternoon is taking my chicken's for a walk around the garden there are worse things to do with my time

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How'd it go :D

I just tucked my weirdos into their coop before heading to work. Who taught these things to sleep outside??

Little cutie!

She's a sweet one. Her sister, Stinky Goldy is less sweet. Thus the distinction ;)

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Whoops, got my chickens mixed up. That's Fluffer, not Sweet Goldy 😂

Fluffer is new to being sweet lol

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