Los Angeles, 4/6/2018, 1PM
This looks like a science fiction movie. In all of my life I have never seen clouds like this.
RAINBOWCOLORED! The pictures don't do them justice, these clouds are really in the color of a rainbow, starting from blue, turning into green, yellow and red.
Not to mention the shape of the clouds.
check it out buddy I think you will like this bloghttps://steemit.com/@fulcrum-news
Thanks mate!
Your welcome that list is crazy looks like a lot of powerful people in big positions trying to save there ass.
They are becoming quite regular over here.
Also rainbow colored? I have never seen anything like this. It is NOT a rainbow, the cloud itself has all these colors in it. There must be some particles in it which reflect the sunlight. That CAN'T be natural...
That bottom photo is rainbow coloured. Did not photograph well. I will try and dig out the others I have.
Yeah, my picture is not so good as well. The colors were much more vivid in reality. Do you remember having seen anything like this in the past? I certainly don't. Not in my whole life, and I am pretty old. This must be some new shit they put in...
No, at 47, been an outdoors person all my life, fishing relies on weather, never seen the shit I am seeing regularly now.
I found a better photo:-

Here is another day.

Yup. That's exactly what I saw. Thanks for sharing. At least I know now the crazy Science Fiction movie I see is not just in my head...
Not in your head, but most definitely over our heads. It is crazy.
Look up Chemical Ice Nucleation. It is a possible answer as to the refraction. As the clouds form ice particles, the light is refracted giving a rainbow effect. Sun dogs are well known in the extreme climes, but not in Canberra on a 38 degree celcius day in summer. Something has to cause ice laden clouds in those conditions.
Another thing I am noticing pop up in a lot of people's photos is an odd type of rainbow. I first saw one in January, and over the last 2 months have seen about 4 or 5 people from various places around the world post them.
What also strikes me is the similarity in the chemsoup clouds between your photos and mine.
They are looking crazy never saw clouds like this too.
If you like check out this here anti school makes awesome videos.
that one is interesting too
BTW I just relaised I had not said, nice photos. Might as well make the most of the shit while we can...
Absolutely agree, this is how I am trying to spend my life right now. But it seems to get harder and harder. Shit hits the fan wherever you look. Chemtrails, vaccinations, GMO's, Agenda 21, Gender, pedophilia, and now the "chemical attack" in Syria...hard to ignore it all...
Not to mention nerve agents in Salisbury...um, sure.
Agenda 21/30 pretty much sums it all up. This geoengineering is bigger than any one government or military. UN has to be behind it which is why it is never mentioned or acknowledged by the governments, and allowed to continue. Or some pretty powerful, nefarious, behind the scenes characters.
Right. I am currently trying to figure out if the also spray in Russia. They did some spraying in the past, I have some pics. But I am not certain if they still do it and to what extent. Also Iran would be good to know. I came across an article where they complained about the US using a weather weapon, but I have no idea if they also spray their own people or not. It is possible that this is only for "westerners". Hard to tell what's what these days...
I have seen photos of the most remote and unexpected places, with trails right across them. I would also like to know about certain countries like Russia and Iran.
Exactly. This would give us an idea if they are ALL in it together or if there are actually real opposing powers in this madhouse. But I am afraid with the last "chemical attack" in Syria, pretty soon they will spray more than just chemtrails to cull the flock and get rid of a few million people. Trump and Bolton already have HUUUGE erections, so does their BF Bibi...
Thanks for sharing this and hope you continue. Just keep pushing for that critical mass
Thank you! What other choice do we have?