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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/19/18> She must have been really hollering… seriously.

in #dailydose6 years ago

howdy there sir sultnpapper! wow you had quite the day on Tuesday! Great fun hearing about the different versions of that creek story, I wonder which one if any of them are true?
I take it your company's business is doing well?


Seems no one knows which is true so it can be which ever you like, no one could prove you wrong. The company is doing okay, but you never know how fast things can turn.

sir sultnpapper! yes sir things can sure change fast but how long has your company been doing well and are they expanding?

22 years and yes we are growing but slow growth and well calculated.

sir sultnpapper! well sir that is very good to hear. It's one of the few things in Texas that has slow growth! lol. Or at least it seems that way with so many cities exploding in popuation.