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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/17/18> Black sheep, blacklisted, black balled… why is black almost always the adjective describing something bad?

in #dailydose6 years ago

Here in South Africa where have eleven official languages we're called The Rainbow nation, a term that came about after the fall of apartheid depicting our multicultural society.

I believe Archbishop Desmond Tutu coined that phrase and Madiba carried his dream of a Rainbow nation forward when he first became president.Oh my word @sircork, it's already happened on the southernmost tip of Africa! Mr Papper, see where you've taken us now, or is it @sumatranate?


Over here, it just means you like to march in LBGTQ ABCDEFG parades...

Sadly the press only report on the bad stuff and that's how the rest of the world sees us.