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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/19/18> She must have been really hollering… seriously.

in #dailydose6 years ago

I know you are a real follower DC , the use of the capital "V" in up vote and it being one word instead of two words is part of the secret code real followers use, damn, that was a secret until now.
Are you still refreshing /reloading or does the "upVote...but." mean you just couldn't pull the trigger on upVoting this Daily Dose?
I am not a bad salesman, neither am I a pimp... but if I were a pimp would that make me sound like I am a better salesman?
I try not to waste gas... In fact, I even did a post over on my Weku blog about wasting gas to save time and how that cost / time relationship works out. I haven't seen you over on WeKu yet, are you there? Here is a referral link in case you want to check out Weku: , the place is a virtual clone of , no learning curve what so ever to get started over there. I am posting different stuff over there than what I am posting here in the Daily Dose. Not doing a daily blog over there so it is "Seasoned with Sult N Papper" give it look some time if you get a chance.
I don't believe the wife is in the "depressed church housewifes club", unless she changed groups over there without telling me. She has been a member there her entire life and been volunteering there long before we were married, but I better check and be sure now that you mention it. I pretty sure that depressed group meets on Monday nights and that is also the evening that the girl scout troop she is a leader of meets twice a month so if she is in that group at church she is missing a lot of meetings.

Unfortunately I can't retire, with 4 of the 6 in the family with Ehlers Danlose syndrome the medical bills are just to much. Besides, who would want to be retired just to be home alone? That doesn't sound like any way to enjoy the rest of a person's life. It would probably lead to depression and drinking in excess in my case and I am not a "good" drunk and I know it. So I only drink a beer every blue moon because I like the taste of beer with some pizza.
Thanks for dropping by and throwing a comment on here, I had been beginning to think that you might have muted me on your feed since I hadn't seen any comments lately. Take care and tell Lida I said "hello", I haven't seen anything from her on steemit in months. Last she told me her business was starting to really take off and was just keeping her extremely busy. I have got to run, adios.


I had no balls to check ur reply,and I'm sure you understand why.. I was too embarrassed,couse I know I'm a bitchy drunk too...and sorry about that... I mean no harm, maybe I like you too much,makes me jealous..
Sorry again! Much love and respect!!

Your apology accepted DC and thanks for saying "hello" to Lida for me.
I know you don't mean any harm and it is the whiskey talking. You were the very first person to ever bother to read the Daily Dose and make a comment and so that means a lot to me.
I have a few people on different discord channels ask me why I don't just mute your comments or not respond at the least; but I know deep down you are a good guy and "a bitchy drunk".
I claim here that this is a free speech zone , and I live up to that claim. Free speech is important and will defend anyone's right to say what they want where they want to say it. I may not like what they say but I won't deny anyone the right on this Daily Dose to be heard through their words and you are prime example of that at certain times.
I think you do like me, I know you do, at least in my mind you do. Others may not see it that way, but you and I go back to the very beginning so I know our history and I appreciate it.
Take care.

Hello Mr Sult n’ Papper! It just came to my attention that you had asked about me..thanks for that ..and I am well, but bussiness is as fucked up as it can ever be..more to come in my next post..I hope you are well and creative as always..I haven’t been active since I have been busy living “ the american dream”..well that was a waste of total energy and money!! Any who..thx for the shout out I truly appreciate it and am humbled by it as it triggered a need to get back to the thing that really counts the most ..blogging..a mental release of human going to the shrink..(not that I ever tried that waste of money & time) always, more on my part then yours, Keep in touch, @lidac

Well great to see that DC relayed the message and sorry to hear that things are guzbucked up on the business end of your life. Blogging sure can be therapy and only you can write the prescription.
I look forward to reading your page again, I would go check once a week, and nothing, then once every two weeks and nothing, then it got to once a month and nothing so after four months I finally gave up, now I will have to get back in the routine as well.