Wednesday, March 21, 2018.
Bad Doctrine Corrupts Good Service
Revelation 2: 18-29
Qs. 2, 5 See Questions HERE.
By man's standards, the church at Thyatira was doing extremely well. Their CV was very impressive and could be the envy of other churches in the area. Look at v. 19 for some of their impressive practices. Their service was however contaminated by tolerance for false doctrine (vs. 20-22). They allowed some wrong teachings that caused the people to be misled into sexual immorality and idol worship. They were mixing Christianity with paganism. What other problem can you see in v. 24?
These problems are also common in our contemporary Church. Some churches emphasise spiritual gifts, love and sacrificial services but down play issues of character, morality and holiness. We need to know that no amount of loving and sacrificial services can compensate for sin. "A little leaven, leavens the whole lump".
God, in His mercy, gives people time to repent before bringing them to judgement (v. 21). Today may be another opportunity that God is giving you, your family and church to repent. He searches the depths of our hearts and knows our thoughts and every secret of our hearts (v. 23). Nothing is hidden from His eyes.
And so:
Any church that tilts towards some doctrines at the expense of the others promotes false teachings.
Heavenly Father, help me not to be deceived by wrong doctrines that are being peddled as "deep secrets" or "new revelations". Give me ability to discern errors no matter how well they are crafted.

Dear @scripture-union,
Although refusal to participate in guild festivals would bring economic hardship to Christians, the members of the church at Thyatira performed good deeds of service and demonstrated their faith and love by their perseverance. After Christ commends the congregants of the church in Thyatira for evidencing their faith by performing loving deeds, they are sharply rebuked for tolerating that woman Jezebel who was a self-proclaimed prophetess.
Today, many mainline churches have adopted a liberal philosophy equating love with tolerance. They have tolerated the teachings of secular humanists that embrace the theory of evolution and deny God as Creator. They have tolerated the teachings of the so-called modern critics who deny the inspiration of Scripture. The liberals are tolerant of the teaching of radical feminism which supports the right to choose but denies the personhood of the unborn child and the right of that child to be birthed alive. Tolerance no longer implies allowing for a forum to discuss both sides of an issue. Today, in order to be tolerant, one must be politically correct. Those who embrace Christian principles of morality are the only group in society not to be tolerated.
Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays
Thanks for sharing your view. Remain blessed.
You're very welcome.
May the Lord bless you as well.
Shalom, Brother Steven
False doctrine is one of the greatest challenges of today's church. We have to be alert because that is one of the easiest avenues the devil uses to creep in to corrupt the works of the believer.
That is very true. Thank you.
I dont agree less with you @marycynthia...and the funniest part of the whole matter is this, false doctrine has taken a disguise that presents it as palatable. Believers should sink themselves into the truth of the word to avoid easy deceit.
We appreciate your contribution. Thanks.