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Friday, April 6, 2018.
Disgraced Daughter!
Isaiah 47: 1-15
Qs. 2,3. See Questions HERE.
Babylon was completely ignorant of her real source of power to rule the whole world. Notice how she was described when the source was behind her (vs. 1-2,5). But to what did she rather ascribe her knowledge and military prowess (vs.9-10)? Pride always goes before destruction. Babylon should be prepared for humiliation, dethronement, servitude, God's vengeance, nakedness and shame (vs. 1-3). What she made others to become, she also shall become. In one day, many of the Israelite families became childless and widows in the hands of Babylon and she should be prepared for the same as retribution. A note of warning all.
Many times we find ourselves in similar situations where we think that what we achieve is because of our abilities or even connections. Like Babylon, we give no thought to how we treat others (v.6). We become so arrogant and think we are in charge of our lives. But like the church in Revelation 3:17, we do not realize that we are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. We need to take caution not to be judged like Babylon, knowing that the God we serve is the holy one of Israel.
Magic spells and sorceries (v. 12), astrology and star-gazing (v. 13) -are still being practised in our continent today. Many of our leaders engage in occultism in order to gain and retain power and position. Identify their end according to vs. 14-15.
Our redeemer is the Holy One of Israel! The LORD Almighty is His name.
Praise be unto my Redeemer, the only true God. You alone will I worship all the days of my life.
Retributive justice is a powerful spiritual principle. We should all be careful they way we live our lives and relate with people around us.