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Friday, March 30, 2018.
Jesus Is Crucified
John 19: 17-30
Qs. 1. See Questions HERE.
Death by crucifixion was horrible and painfully slow. It began with flogging, and then the criminal would carry his own cross to the place of the crucifixion, in full view of everybody. Jesus was killed as if He were a criminal though He never committed any sin. He was crucified between two thieves to signify that He died as the atoning sacrifice for sinners (2 Cor. 5:21; Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2).
What is the significance of Pilate's action in vs. 19-22? By writing that Jesus was the King of the Jews, he was demonstrating ironically, that he did not agree with the dishonesty of Jews against Jesus, and he recognized that Jesus was indeed a King.
The soldier, by casting lot for Jesus' cloth, were unknowingly fulfilling prophecy (vs. 23-24 cf, Psalm 22:18). This should encourage us that God knows everything about us ever before they happen. Learn therefore to rest in His perfect plans for your life (Romans 8:28).
What can we learn from Jesus in vs. 25-27? How much do you care about family relationships? Even at the point of death Jesus still cared about His mother and arranged for her welfare.
What next:
Do you sometimes please people at the expense of fairness and equity?
Lord Jesus, thank you for suffering humiliations and death for my sake. Help me not to take your sacrifice for granted.
Muy hermoso tu post.
Que Dios te siga bendiciendo.