
Our emotions and body our interconnected in more ways than we think. In my experience, there's two ways to effectively change how you feel... you can connect to a resourceful memory or connect to your imagination in a way that evokes a positive emotion. OR you can begin moving your body AS IF you are already though you are already happy, alive, excited, or fulfilled!

I think smiling is the simplest way to initiate that process. As it's really hard to be depressed...when you have a smile on ;-)

The Wisdom Will Flow When You Listen to H2OI'm smiling after watching your video! Thank you for sharing @misterw. I'd love to hear your thoughts about my recent post:

Nice words from you man. I definitely learnt something watching this post @misterw. Kindly follow me back I just followed you am new to the community. @iammicl is my handle

Love this . Thank you for helping me feel better today. Most days are a struggle for me so bless you.