17/09/2020 We are all stardust here

in #dairy4 years ago

Dear M,
'We are all stardust here.' This line kept showing up in my mind today, don't know why, it just made me feel so small and powerless.
Kinda afraid to talk with people now, it just the way how they approached is a bit weird and let me feel a bit suffocated.
I finally updated the iOS14 and you were right, it takes a while, but I didn't want to miss the chance to say good night to you. Kinda silly, and we didn't talk much today, didn't know how you were doing, despite the part you told me you were tired and could think straight.
Was a bit sleepy after dinner, even tho I did nothing today. Didn't sleep well recently. Could not sleep during the night, sometimes forced myself to go to bed before 3am, even read a bit before my eyes closed.
What are you dreaming tonight?
love, lyong