#GANNETT: Anderson Cooper CIA Pedogate Cover-up? Vanderbilt Pool Images = Podesta's Pizzagate Art, David Seaman Banned From Twitter After Posting Video Exposing Cooper

in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

Anderson Cooper, the media darling of CNN and 60 Minutes who appeared out of nowhere and has almost zero training as a journalist, is speculated to be a Project Mockingbird CIA asset. Here is his latest attack on President Trump, calling him a "tool" and "pathetic loser". Why so angry, Anderson?:

"Coincidence" Theorists will likely dismiss this, but David Seaman, former Huffington Post journalist and Pizzagate researcher who spoke out about Anderson Cooper in a Youtube video yesterday was permanently banned from twitter today and his apartment building in New York City experienced a suspect fire alarm evacuation today.

This is Seaman's video about Cooper from yesterday that got him banned from Twitter:

Those of us closely following the news on Pizzagate know too well that coincidence-theories can lead to death or worse for the brave journalists and whistle-blowers who've had the courage and moral fortitude to keep fighting the Cabal to expose Pedogate and bring down the Deep State once and for all.

Please support David Seaman's journalism: https://www/fulcrumnews.com

You can catch up on some of the research into Cooper and the Vanderbilt family on my last post, here:

Here is a reminder of what has happened to courageous people, like Seth Rich, who have gone up against the mammoth globalist Cabal that has been enslaving humanity, stealing our lives and selling them back to us while they socially engineer the perfect (for them) one-world-government prison planet.

Please subscribe to and support the excellent Truthstream Media Youtube channel.

For critical reporting on #Gannett, CIA influence on media, and the connection between the Vanderbilt's creepy pool images and the pedo-artwork linked to Tony and John Podesta, please watch James Munder's excellent analysis here:

Please support James Munder's excellent Youtube channel. He has been among the leading reporters on the Qanon 4chan intelligence.

You can defend freedom and justice by educating yourself and spreading the news on Project Mockingbird, the CIA-OP that created the "career" of Anderson Cooper:

The Congressional Church Committee of 1976 exposed the CIA Control of Mainstream Media (MSM).
You can read a summary on Project Mockingbird here:


Thanks for viewing my post, Stemians. Its time to ditch twitter en masse. A great alternative is Gab.ai, the uncensored, freedom-loving platform that is taking off in value since it dared to compete with twitter. Apple has censored it on iPhones, but you can easily side-load it onto your device and "gab" to your community. Check it out here:

Let's expose the deep state media and leave them behind. Support the amazing people, like David Seaman, deFango, Honeybee, Liz Crokin, Titus Frost, and James Munder who are giving us the real news on Pedogate, the deep state and its undoing. @dakini5d


Honestly, I am a bit on the fence with this guy.
And he is clearly overshooting when he speaks of carbon-monoxide poisoning. That is ridiculous. One would have to be in a very small enclosed space to feel the effects. Trying to poison someone by leaving the door open to a garage with a car having the engine running would NEVER work, it is impossible. Someone with his intelligence should know that.

David Seaman may not be the coolest cucumber in the garden but a building evacuation is the point, not the monoxide issue. An evacuation would be an optimal time for someone to enter his apartment. The issue of censorship and freedom of speech, however, cannot be denied.

Maybe I am too sensitive. Some things he says don't really jive with me. Can't point my finger on it, more a feeling. Feel the same way about Jason Goodman.
Nevertheless, I completely agree with you on the censorship.

Lot's of talk going around that Goodman is paid by Mossad. He's currently being sued by Robert David Steele for defamation. Check out @defango for info on that. Seaman comes off to me as self-absorbed and trying to grow into what he has bitten off for himself. Thanks for the comment. Let's support the infowarriors where we can.

Yeah, that would make perfect sense to me. You never know these days...But Steele is also giving me the creeps. Don't trust this guy at all.

What is your take on Quinn Michaels? I am baffled by him...

To me it looks like steemit could be the perfect way to support infowarriors. If good content is delivered constantly, there is some financial reward. Hope it grows, then the income of a content creator could become significant...

yes, Steemit is the independent journalist's dream platform bc it pays a wage PLUS provides a way to get the news out via text, tweets, gabs, shares, etc and Resteeming! Again, I would recommend checking out @defango for news on Michaels and Steele. I do believe an Electoral Reform Act in 2018 could have a profound impact on defeating the deep state by ousting the "lifers" in congress who have been living high and dirty with their pay-for-play crony capitalist votes/actions/deals.

Ok, I will. defango is a bit hard to take for me, he's a bit rude sometimes :)

Do you follow Ole Dammegaard on youtube? I really like him, but I wonder if this Snodgres guy is not too good to be true. Any thoughts on that?