YES! Absolutely. Is that something you would be willing to organize with a post? I would be soooo thrilled. There is NO mistake they did this executive order at 12:01am on the Winter Solstice, darkest day of the year turning back to the light. Let me know your thoughts on how we can make this happen. I am still pretty new on the platform and not too skilled yet at how to make group/community actions happen. Peace.
PS- Your radio show sounds like it was wonderful!! Thanks for all you do for humanity rising in vibration!!
OK... did a quick post here on the United We Light. Here is the link to the first one and a little message for you at the bottom :
I most certainly would need the help of another dimension to pull it together as much as I'd love to right now. Something to work towards indeed. You've certainly inspired me. My laptop is dying a slow death here while I'm waiting for the replacement to arrive. Seems Fed Ex is not able to get to me just yet with the new snow I'm not easy to reach Definitely a sign as to when then was released and I'm big on universal synchronicity so we must be headed somewhere with all of this.