
@dakini5d you may want to see this document. It broadens the scope of the swamp and a lot of happenings to this point.

OOOOOOOOOoooooooweeeeeeee!! What a doosie of a link!! THANK YOU!!

Thanks so much Vickie, I will have a look. I always appreciate getting links from the truth consciousness community!

Relief to have you back. Had to resort to going directly 8chan for updates that is a BUSY place. Lots of excitement all the way around. What is unfolding is better than any programming the mainstream media can produce. Behind the "scenes" is the place to be. Keep the updates coming will head over to the folks still sitting in the other social networks to give them a heads up and a chance to be a part of the solution ;)

Yes, the chans are chocker-block with red pill info! Thanks for all the networking you are doing! I should be back in regular action now for the duration.

I keep re-watching

Nice information

Welcome bqck

Thanks Mitty! I am really glad to be able to make connections and get the word out to the Steemit community. Thanks for the feed back.

thank You for the background-information. now follows PN: - i listened to Ben Fulford s yesterday s video, british empire, pope and Chinese Comm. party he mentioned as if they plan something positive. When R D Steele is going to visit him may be he can solve the bubbles in Ben s mind ? 7 month ago Ben also mentioned queen of GB and pope as if positive, what is in his mind?

Right. Something shifted with the self-appointed "Queen" several months ago and I believe Trump's new proclamation of alliance with GB is because of massive intel that would have brought down the whole royal family. RC's already hunted and cornered and Royals were next. We don't want these people just to suddenly get to be "good guys" bc they are cornered. But, most likely, they will hand over the goods on RC's and other top elite families in exchange for some level of immunity. BF is very measured in his information dumps. The info needs to be dissected outside of the context he presents it in. Good to hear from you Chris!