I don't know if you are aware of the Bacha Bazi boy s in Afghanistan. Our soldiers went to Afghanistan to restore the Poppy Fields and let the CIA gain more control over the Heroin trade. The drug war isn't working so we need more Heroin in America. That is the official narrative isn't it?
They also were required to look the other way when they heard the screams of little boys being abused by Afghan men. Here are some news articles about one case where the American Soldier stood against the evil he was told to Ignore. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html
Honestly I think the only people allowed to have positions of any power are the ones that have already been compromised. Franklin Cover-up, Dennis Haskert, Bill Clinton, Sandusky, Media Mogels, Even the Trumpster was hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein. You think Trump is not guilty as well? Lets see what did he say about the Clintons.
They are good people they are my friends.
Jeffry Epsteinhttps://www.dailywire.com/news/5749/both-trump-and-clinton-went-jeffrey-epsteins-sex-amanda-prestigiacomo
I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.
Then we have Pedogate heard about any arrest there yet? No you wont because these guys are running our world. Only the ones that mess up are "outed" How many Years did Dennis Haskert get for all the boys he Molested as a HS coach? ZERO here served 13 months for bank fraud!
I ll hush now.
i'd agree with all but the trump part, because he did distance himself from epstein immediately and kicked him out of his property, and his previous tweets on the subject:

but now, every day that goes by without an arrest, not even one, and the 650,000 emails just sitting there when he could have released them or declassified them, and the pedogate files having to do with a certain pizzashop sitting there with no arrests, Im thinking he is part of the cover up.
He declared a state of emergency when he passed his december executive order to seize/ block funds from people who are involved with serious human abuse and corruption, and he passed as soon as he got into office an executive order on human trafficking to give them more power to go after them worldwide...
but nothing has come of it all after a year and a half. starting to lose hope anything will ever change.
Trust me lol I voted in the Primary for Trump, but I am ashamed for letting myself be fooled again.
How do you know someone for 15 years and hang out with them then suddenly realize they are a criminal? I don't think so they just do what is convenient. This is Trumps words.
I have now renounced my voting rights and will never vote in a election again.
It is futile, because the choices are made before the election occurs.
The Money Masters control who is on the ballot. The have two of their people on each side of the isle. So no matter who wins they win, their guy wins always. Trump has only proven that he is on their side. The moment he started making nominations I knew we got smoked again.
Come on who is a good person and can hoard a billion dollars while there are starving homeless people in our world? Come on the only way you become that rich is to be a selfish greedy SOB.
The love of Money is the root of all evil! We all know this parable but we seem to forget because we dream of a good world.
We have a conscience they do not even comprehend a conscience. That is one of the reason they prey on us and think we are weak, because of our conscience.
My thoughts are very in line with your comments here. I also remember that US contractor Dyncorp paid for an Afghani boy dancer as entertainment.
I'm of the opinion that HRC, Trump, Hastert and most politicians and lobbyists in DC are paid actors controlled by the same special interests. Some may be blackmailed, others eagerly volunteer to do whatever's asked of them and most sell their bs advocacy/services for the right price.
Epstein is connected to many of the rich and powerful (Clintons and Trump), and from what I can gather it's likely that he's some kind of blackmail agent conducting Brownstone operations on his Island.
I agree about them all controlled and paid, but I also see a much darker side to it that involves Luciferian doctrine. That is where the abuse of innocents/children and sacrifice comes in. Its been happening for 1000s of years its not a new phenomenon.
I didn't even think that maybe that is why Epstein is so connected and rich. I just figured he was another too rich Insider POS. You are probably right about that. I remember that I read Hollywood lawyers like Alan Dershowitz were also at Epstein's Island.
I can only begin to think of how many powerful puppets abuse children on that Island.
He gets 18 months. WOW See the pattern?