It seems that the charges of the two boys are the reason the cops had the warrant, and then they additionally found the two girls in there, that seems to be the reason for the dispute in the reports
this is from Daglish's wikipedia, under "pedophilia allegations"
On April 8, 2018, Dalglish was arrested by Nepal Police from Kavre District on charges of pedophilia.[3][4] Nepal's central investigation bureau confirmed that Dalglish is facing charges in a case involving two boys under the age of 15. A Nepal police spokesman confirmed that the bureau is investigating the possibility of more victims, adding that Dalglish could remain in custody for up to 25 days while the investigation continues.[5] Dalglish was arrested at a home about 50 kilometres north of Kathmandu. Two girls, aged 12 and 14, were also found in the home during the arrest.[6] If convicted, Dalglish faces up to 15 years in prison.[5]
In that case it would appear that Dalglish is in even more hot water. Cheers, thanks for that clarification @johnvibes!