To day the battle with the red knight was fought dancing to the song Mama & Papa by Kovaks.

in #dance3 years ago (edited)

When the brain and thinking come back after two years of Sleeping Beauty sleep, the fog begins to thin, and slowly the picture of life sharpens and comes into focus; the lessons of that two years' time begin as long as you are, and intend to learn from it. If the picture that comes to you out of the fog is a complex and painful lesson, you go through the classic five stages of death if you hope to graduate from this school.

Not necessarily in a specific order, but it also does not apply to those who receive the news that they only have a short time left to live, but the hope is always that in the end, you will find peace and serenity. Whether at death's door or when a person is faced with the fact that some aspects of one's life must die and disappear from it. Denial, sadness, anger, blaming others, and always hoping for reconciliation in the end.

Here I am today, swinging day by day through these four stages and hoping that I will be able to complete them all and reach a reconciliation so that I can start living again, but go along a new path where the old one had to die and that in my heart there will be peace.

But I'm not there yet. I fight almost daily with the red knight, anger, and I have to defeat him just as much as his other siblings.

Today, the battle with the red knight was fought dancing to the song Mama & Papa by Kovaks.

I don't know who won, maybe none.


after such battle every day is one to celebrate :) , i've send youy some Ecency points use them however you like and have a great weekend :)

Thank you. And yes, it really doesn't matter who wins such a battle; I, on the other hand, can say I will always be a winner if I succeed in getting the " Red knight" (anger) out of my system, at least on this moument, that day, even if it maybe will come and revisit me. I will probably never have a final success against my Red knight, but every time I get him out of my system, be it just for one day, I will always be some kind of a winner.

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