8 dangerous parasites lurking in your food

in #danger8 years ago

Many problems can be avoided by observing the elementary rules of hygiene, for example, to wash fruits and vegetables (even lettuce, on the packaging it is written that the product is ready-to-eat). Experts have identified 24 most harmful parasite. 8 Introducing the most dangerous of them.

1. Taenia solium or pork tapeworm

Taenia solium, known as the pork tapeworm, can reach 10 meters in length. This parasite is among the largest of all the tapeworms. In the human body, he gets together with pieces of pork neprozharennoe. Pork tapeworm resides in the intestines and gets the nutrients from foods consumed by humans.

The most dangerous is getting into the body of the parasite eggs that causes cysticercosis: gastric juice dissolves and releases the egg shell germs, which spread to organs and tissues. This can cause serious problems, especially in the central nervous system. For example, it is believed that cysticercosis is a major cause of epilepsy among residents of poor countries.

2. Echinococcus granulosus or echinococcus tapeworm

Tapeworms, reaching only 3-7 mm in length, causes hydatid disease. Pathogen - larva tapeworm echinococcus - organisms settled in hunting dogs, sheep and other farm animals. People often become infected by contact with animals, but the eggs can penetrate the human organism through food. More than one million cases of echinococcosis were reported in those countries where the livestock, including camels, closely communicate with dogs. this worm eggs are resistant even to the sub-zero temperatures.

3. Echinococcus multilocularis or multicamera echinococcus

The geographical spread of the tapeworm uniform. It is found in both North America and in Europe, and in the Old World, it happens more often. Echinococcus usually settle in organisms foxes and rodents, but cases of detection of these parasites in pet dogs and even cats have been fixed. Multicam echinococcus causes human alveolar hydatid disease that causes liver disease, metastases to the brain and other organs. It is not ruled death. The most susceptible to the dangers foxcatcher and people collecting mushrooms and berries, which can also be infected by contact with these feces of wild animals.

 4. Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii - celled parasite that can live in the body of virtually any warm-blooded animal. Most often, as the host they choose cats or rodents. This parasite is found in most countries, and is one of the most common protozoa that infect humans. The level of infection in various countries ranges from 10 to 80%.

The greatest danger of this parasite is for pregnant women: it can cross the placenta and cause pathological changes in the embryo or even miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to clean litter box.

5. Cryptosporidium spp

These parasitic protists penetrate into the body of contaminated water or vegetables, washed in a water, which causes diarrhea. Therefore it is recommended to wash all vegetables, even lettuce, which is often written that already washed and ready to eat.

6. Entamoeba histolytica or dysentery amoeba

Another parasitic protists, infection which causes amoebic dysentery. This disease is characterized by diarrhea with blood. More serious problems may occur when the parasite dissemination to other organs, causing, for example, a liver abscess.

7. Trichinella spiralis

Trichinella spiralis - a type of parasitic roundworms causing fatal disease - trichinosis. Infection occurs by eating raw or neprozharennoe pork or cooked out of it products, such as smoked sausages. Together with the meat in the human body fall larvae that grow into adults and produce thousands of new larvae. To survive, these parasites can only muscles, but it can spread throughout the body, causing damage, such as nervous system or eyes.

8. Opisthorchiidae

Opisthorchiidae - a family of flatworms, often found in South-East Asia (some species live in Europe and Russia). These parasites enter the human body through underdone or raw freshwater fish, which in turn contracted by snails. These worms lodge in the bile ducts and gall bladder, which lay their eggs, which get together with faeces into the water and infect new snail. Freezing and heat treatment of fish protects against infection, the ambassador or smoking - no.


now i cant eat my breakfast.

Do not worry. Chances are very low that they are in our food