Make someone happy today

in #daniel7 years ago

What a wonderful thing to meet people, talk to them and establish a good relationship with them.

The thousands of people who have been with you, in one way or another has influenced your life "Positively or Negatively" depending on how you were able to manage your relationship with them.

Those who rejected you did that for a purpose, their rejection shouldn't bother you or way you down, but rather, boost your moral and encourage you the more. Rejection is not the end of the world, afterall the great people never had it so easy.

For those that accepted you, well, that is great any way. You must always know what you have done or given that warranted the acceptance, thereby continue to swim in the same river for greater opportunities.

The most important thing is to make someone happy somewhere, putting smiles in their faces probably with your wonderful words of encouragement or meeting their immediate needs
Be a blessing today and you will be blessed forever for it.....